Xu Nu greeted Amin every day.

(Photographed by reporter Wu Zhengfeng)

[Reporter Wu Zhengfeng/Taipei Report] A Ming (pseudonym), a 50-year-old information industry boss in Taipei City, added investment consultant "Xu Jiayun" as a friend through LINE last November. , Asked to download the "Quanyi" APP to buy stocks, A Ming was deceived by love and interests, and remitted more than 46 million yuan. After being persuaded by his family, he realized that he had been cheated and rushed to the police. However, his life savings were all wiped out and he owed a huge debt.

A Ming lives alone and is the owner of an information company. In November last year, an unfamiliar LINE account invited him to join Xu Jiayun, an investment consultant teacher, as a friend. A Ming just wanted to learn about stock operations, so he added Xu Jiayun.

Xu Nv greeted Ah Ming every day, creating an atmosphere of love, and then pulled him into an investment group of about 60 people. In it, Xu Nv and a teacher named "Huang Wenru" regularly analyzed individual stock information, and the group friends continued to share and follow The teacher speculates in stocks and obtains huge profits from it.

Xiao Ming couldn't resist the temptation, and at the instigation of Xu Nv, he downloaded the ordering software of the "Quanyi" APP and joined Quanyi's LINE account.

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Amin invested 100,000 yuan at the beginning, and the APP showed that the profit was as high as 10%. With Xu's love offensive, Amin entered the market one after another. Although each profit was higher than 5%, he had no cash needs, and never withdrawal.

In December last year, teacher A Mingyi instructed to apply for the shares of MediaTek subsidiary "Dafa Technology", and was notified that 138 shares were drawn.

Quanyi said that each stock is more than 300,000 yuan, and more than 30 million yuan is needed to buy it. In order to raise a huge sum of money, Amin not only used the house as a loan, but also had to borrow from relatives and friends to complete the delivery.

Before the Chinese New Year this year, the investment consultant teacher said that he could take a profit and asked Amin to remit a handling fee of 9 million yuan. Unexpectedly, after selling the stocks and remitting the money, the Quanyi APP showed that the withdrawal was rejected.

Quan Yi replied that because of the government’s control of money laundering, he had to remit another 1 million yuan to confirm the source of the funds. Unexpectedly, the money was given, and Quan Yi asked him to pay 3% income tax in order to receive the money, but Ah Ming had already passed away. Shy.

Relatives and friends saw that Amin was frowning, and only found out about it after questioning, so they rushed to assist in the investigation. He saw that the public information showed that Dafa traded only 20 pieces per day, but Amin sold 138 pieces in a single day, which must be fraudulent. .

Hearing this, Ah Ming woke up from his dream and rushed to report to the police, but the money was lost, his only real estate was lost, even the relatives and friends who borrowed money were affected, and several families were facing financial difficulties.

A Ming said that before registering the Quanyi APP, he had to upload the front and back of his ID card and account book photos, obtain personal information through authentication, and then remit money 14 times, totaling more than 46 million yuan, mostly to different personal accounts.

When the other party asked him to remit money at the counter, he lied to the clerk that he would pay for calligraphy and paintings, famous watches, antiques, old wine, etc.;

He said that he usually received anti-fraud information, but he did not expect to fall into the situation designed by the fraud group, and he was still blind and unable to extricate himself. He urged Chinese people to invest in regular securities companies.

A Ming's sister emphasized that the rampant scam groups and the selection of people living alone have become a national security crisis. The government should take multi-pronged measures across ministries and committees to prevent it, inject more resources, and implement stricter control over the flow of money. In addition to punishing fraud and assisting victims to minimize losses; in addition, fraud groups use LINE, Facebook and other communication social platforms to defraud, and the industry should also take responsibility for supervision, so as not to let Taiwan become a fraud paradise.

The teacher taught stock analysis in the group, and some other group members claimed to have made a lot of profits.

(Photographed by reporter Wu Zhengfeng)

Amin downloaded the Quanyi APP and gave his personal information to the other party when he registered.

(Photographed by reporter Wu Zhengfeng)

Amin was told that he had won 138 Dafa stocks, and he needed more than 30 million yuan to close his position.

(Photographed by reporter Wu Zhengfeng)

The other party kept asking Amin to send money, and forged documents from the FSC.

(Photographed by reporter Wu Zhengfeng)