CIA Director Burns appealed that Xi Jinping's ambitions for Taiwan should not be underestimated.


[Compile Sun Yuqing/Comprehensive Report] CIA Director William Burns warned on the 2nd that although Russia's failed invasion of Ukraine may have made Chinese President Xi Jinping more cautious about taking Taiwan by force, it should still not underestimated his ambition.

He also emphasized that the United States has learned from intelligence agencies that Xi Jinping has ordered the People's Liberation Army to prepare for the invasion of Taiwan by 2027.

"Reuters" reported on the 3rd that Burns attended an event at Georgetown University in Washington and pointed out that the United States learned from intelligence that Xi Jinping had ordered the Communist Army to prepare for an attack on Taiwan by 2027, but this does not mean that Xi Jinping has made a decision. Attacking Taiwan in 2027 or some other year would instead reflect Xi Jinping's focus and ambitions.

He emphasized that the CIA will not underestimate Xi Jinping's ambitions for Taiwan, and Xi Jinping is likely to be "shocked and disturbed" by the "extremely poor performance" of the Russian military in Ukraine, and try to learn from it.

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In response to China and Russia's declaration of an "unlimited" partnership in early February last year, Burns also bluntly stated that it would be a mistake to underestimate the degree of closeness between the two countries, but he does not believe that the Sino-Russian relationship is a "friendship without boundaries."

Burns did not deny that China is currently the "greatest geopolitical challenge" facing the United States, saying that the competition between the United States and China is unique in scale and involves all fields, including military, ideology, economy, technology, Internet, and space It is a global competition that is even bigger than the dispute between the United States and the former Soviet Union.

As for the Ukraine-Russia war, he predicted that the next six months will be very critical for Ukraine.