The picture of the green heron standing on the boat holding the fish in its beak is like fishing on a rubber raft.

(Provided by Chen Jianhua Photography)

[Reporter Cai Zongxun/Report from Chiayi] Chen Jianhua, chairman of the Wild Bird Society of Chiayi County, recently went to the Aogu Wetland of Dongshi Township to photograph migratory birds. He caught a scene of the green heron catching fish and then flying to the rubber raft in a nearby fish pond. He said with a smile, "Start work Good luck, let's go fishing on a rubber raft." The cute appearance of the green heron and Diaoyu standing on the boat makes people call "kawaii!"

Chen Jianhua said that green heron is not a common resident bird and a rare transit bird in Taiwan. It is distributed in ditches and waterways on the mountain all the way to the coastal area, but the population is not large and is not common. According to him, the highest record is in Alishan Five green herons were photographed under the Xiangshanmei Bridge.

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Chen Jianhua said that the green heron can be seen in Chiayi's coastal area, but the chance is not high. This time, it is very lucky to catch the fish standing on the rubber raft. I am very grateful to myself and this lovely green heron. In other words, it can be said to be "a good start".