Beitai Nanjiafu Center will hold a bazaar to raise scholarships for the next semester, and 9 home-support students will make handmade pastries to promote the bazaar.

(Photo by reporter Yang Jincheng)

[Reporter Yang Jincheng/Tainan Report] North Tainan Family Support Center will hold charity bazaars at 7 post offices including Xinying, Jiali, Baihe, Xuejia, Shanhua, Yongkang, and Guiren on February 6 and 7 to raise scholarships for the next semester. Shen Yuxun, a vocational student who was assisted by his family to enter school smoothly, has 5 Class C certificates and won the gold medal in the Zhumeng Cup Chinese pastry gift competition. Today (3rd) he specially made handmade biscuits with 8 home-supported students for Love Charity Sale increases buying momentum.

Shen Yuxun, a second-year student in the catering department of Xinying Yude Gongjia, comes from a low-income household. With the company of the social worker at home and the encouragement of her teacher, she bravely pursues her dream and strives to be the best. Currently, she is actively preparing 3 pieces of baked pastries, Chinese pasta, and souvenirs I am looking forward to becoming a master baker in the future. I want to make the people who eat it feel happy and improve the family's economy.

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Shen Peixun said that he was very grateful for the help provided by the student sponsors along the way. He specially made squeezed flower cakes, almond tiles, egg tarts, and cheese for the charity bazaar together with 8 assisted home students. The price of the bazaar was set at 20 From RMB 50 to RMB 50, we look forward to people joining us.

Feng Wenxin, the teacher of the Black Bear parent-child classroom who provided the baking venue, not only guided the family to help the students, but also made rice cakes and almond mille-feuilles to sponsor the home-to-be charity sale and aid students.

Zhuang Shuhui, director of the Beitainan Family Support Center, said that the new semester needs to raise nearly 5.9 million yuan in bursaries to help about 800 family-supported students go to school. There is still a gap of 1.7 million yuan. People are welcome to visit 7 post offices on February 6 and 7. The Student Aid Bazaar participated in this grand event to support the "Student Aid Hope Project" action to alleviate poverty through education.

Home Fusheng made handmade biscuits together to increase buying momentum for the Charity Sale.

(Photo by reporter Yang Jincheng)

Home Fusheng Shen Yuxun has 5 Class C certificates, and makes handmade biscuits for the Home Fuyi Educational Aid.

(Photo by reporter Yang Jincheng)