Chen Nan and his friends went south to lend money but were imprisoned and held for ransom. After Chen Nan's mother reported the case, the Tainan police successfully rescued the victim in a motel in Anding District, and seized 200,000 yuan of stolen money, gas guns, and handcuffs.

(Photographed by reporter Liu Wanjun)

[Reporter Liu Wanjun/Tainan Report] A man surnamed Chen, who lives in the north, drove south to Tainan with two friends, Huang and Chen, at the end of December last year to make a loan. However, six people, including a 25-year-old man surnamed Lan, controlled their actions and ransacked their belongings. The man had to pay a ransom before he was released. After being reported by Chen Nan’s mother, the Tainan police successfully rescued Chen Nan in a motel in Anding District that night, and charged six people, including the basket suspect, with robbery, kidnapping for ransom, and obstructing freedom. The suspect was transferred. After a month of investigation, on January 30, three members of the syndicate, including the main suspect named Huang, were arrested in Hualien and Tainan respectively. 100,000 yuan in security.

According to the police investigation, three people, including Chen Nan and his friend, met the basketball suspect last year, and they were attacked by the basketball suspect together with 21-year-old Ye Fan, 30-year-old Shi suspect, 22-year-old Wang suspect, 29-year-old Xiao suspect and 22-year-old Du suspect. Freedom of movement was controlled, and during this period, the place of detention was constantly changed. He evaded police investigation in motels in Kaohsiung and Tainan districts. Among them, he was suspected of driving the victim's vehicle and was stopped by the Jiali Police Station. The two victims surnamed Chen stated that they went to a motel in Anding District, successfully rescued the victim surnamed Chen, arrested the basket suspect in charge of the care, and seized the gas gun, handcuffs and stolen money of 200,000 yuan on the spot.

After police inquiry, the whole case was transferred to the Tainan District Prosecutor's Office for investigation on the basis of robbery, kidnapping for ransom, and obstruction of freedom.

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During the investigation by the Quiren Police Station, it was discovered that there were still group cadres and members who had not yet been brought to the case. After more than a month of evidence collection, the 26-year-old Su suspect and the 30-year-old suspect Wang were arrested in Tainan City on January 30. The suspect, 31-year-old Huang, who was on vacation in Hualien, was brought back overnight.

Tainan police arrested the suspect responsible for taking care of the victim at a motel in Anding District.

(Photographed by reporter Liu Wanjun)

Chen Nan and his friends went south to lend money but were imprisoned and held for ransom. After Chen Nan's mother reported the case, the Tainan police successfully rescued the victim in a motel in Anding District, and seized 200,000 yuan of stolen money, gas guns, and handcuffs.

(Photographed by reporter Liu Wanjun)