American singer and actress

Selena Gomez

is one of the few celebrities who loves herself the way she is and is not afraid to show off her natural beauty.

This time, the star on her Instagram page shared with her followers a series of pictures in which she poses without any makeup or photoshop.

In addition, Selena did not paint skin imperfections or improve her hair in a photo editor.

Selena Gomez / Photo:

Selena Gomez / Photo:

Fans thanked the idol for her candidness: "natural beauty", "prettier than ever", "I admire you Selena. You encourage us to show the beauty that is within us on this stifling social network like Instagram, where everyone should be perfect and happy all the time."

Selena Gomez / Photo:

It should be noted that previously Selena Gomez

responded with humor to haters' accusations

that she had noticeably gained weight.

As you know, the star's volumes began to be discussed after her appearance at the Golden Globe Awards, where she appeared in a long dress with puffy sleeves and an open neckline.

Selena Gomez / Photo: Associated Press

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