The results of studies of the structure of the universe showed that it is not so "lumpy", that is, it does not consist of a huge number of lumps of matter, as the theories suggest.

And this means that in space there are mysterious forces of nature unknown to science.

The Guardian writes about it.

Scientists analyzed data from the Victor Blanc Telescope, which is located in Chile, and the South Polar Telescope, which is located in Antarctica.

These observatories conducted observations of the distribution of matter in the universe in order to better understand the nature of the forces that govern the evolution of the cosmos.

This incredibly accurate look at the structure of the universe shows that there are likely mysterious forces in the cosmos that are still unknown to science.

Researchers believe that if their theory is confirmed, it will be a real breakthrough in science.

And even if not, the new data will still help to better understand the nature of the mysterious dark matter and dark energy.

Earlier, astronomers from McGill University in Canada and the Indian Institute of Science were able to detect a radio signal coming from hydrogen atoms in a distant 


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