To stay at the hotel, you will find a doorman or a porter to be called a concierge 'concierge', the French people are called 'consultants,' the sweets, sweets.

Westerners in many languages ​​call confetti 'Kenfet e' now in Thailand.

We often hear that they will hire someone to do 'contour' at the land. This word is used all over the world. Contour is pronounced 'Kantur'. of the area'

Some foreigners believe that each family has a family deity.

Or each house will have a house deity.

If explaining this word, it must be said as 'di penates' or di penates, westerners will understand. There are 2 types of wills: 1.'Donatio Intrevivos' or donation inter vivos which means 'To take effect while alive' and 2.'Donatio Mortis Causa' or donation mortis causa that means 'to take effect after death'.

Went to Spain last year.

Someone called Peter Don Peter or D Peter. This word is equivalent to English Sir or Mister. Spanish people like to say respect. 'Don' or 'Dan' or 'Dong' means 'Mr. ' If you use 'Madam', Dona is the same meaning as Lady or Madam.

In Italian it's Donna.

Today's teenagers are familiar with the word mentor 'mentor', for example Lisa used to work as a mentor in China, this word means 'mentor'.

Nitikarun Mingruchiralai