Astrologer Vlad Ross predicts that Russian President Vladimir Putin may launch a new attack on Ukraine between February 22 and 24.

Ross told about this in a comment to "Glavred".

According to him, at the end of February, an increase in missile attacks by the enemy is possible.

"Putin, as you know, likes symbolic dates, so on February 22-24, Russian troops can once again launch an attack on the territory of Ukraine from all sides. It is also possible at this time to intensify missile strikes," the astrologer said.

At the same time, he predicts the success of Ukrainian troops for February. 

"After February 11, brilliant successes of Ukraine at the front are possible, especially if our military leaders use extraordinary approaches. In particular, an unexpected breakthrough of the enemy's defense is possible," said Ross.

It will be recalled that earlier Vlad Ross predicted that Russian troops would flee from Ukraine as soon as Putin died.

This could happen in the late spring-early summer of 2023. 

Astrology, tarology, numerology, fortune-telling, divination, fortune-telling, psychics are not sciences, and predictions do not always come true 100%.

Information is quite often of an entertaining nature, so it should not be taken seriously, but only as a probability of events that every person can become the creator of if he has the strength of spirit and inspiration to change his life for the better.

Read also:

  • Not 2023: the famous Carpathian molfar gave a disappointing forecast about the end of the war

  • The astrologer made a war forecast for February: what danger awaits Ukraine

  • The fortune teller predicted "difficult times" for Ukraine after the war

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