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on a 20-year study.

In total, almost 28,000 people took part in it.

Scientists conducted control tests every 4 years.

Recipients were asked about their daily diet and tested for mental abilities and memory.

Also, during these control tests, they were asked to answer several questions.

In particular:

  • Over the past 4 years, have you had more trouble remembering things (eg, products to buy)?

  • Having more trouble remembering a program or movie you watched recently?

Later, the researchers analyzed and compiled all the received data.

It turned out that those people who ate about six servings of vegetables and fruits every day had 34% less difficulty remembering as they aged.

Moreover, if a person in middle age consumed a large amount of these products, then they had a positive effect on his cognitive health in the future.

Even if the diet changed with age and there were fewer vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Another interesting fact is that during the study, scientists found a connection between regular consumption of orange juice and a reduction in the development of various memory problems that appear with age.

The average figure was 47%.

According to researchers, it is also necessary to consume orange and red vegetables, berries, leafy greens, because they are able to protect against memory loss with age.

Zhangzheng Yuan, a doctor and co-author of the study, believes that they obtained quite convincing results, because they managed to observe a large number of people for decades.

This study is another proof that the right diet at a young age plays not the last role in the health of the brain in the future.

Read also:

  • Thirty days without sweets: what will happen to the body if you give up sugar for a month

  • Blood type and health: researchers have revealed whether these concepts are related