Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan said that former Vice President Chen Chien-jen was serving as Premier for the first time, a "novice on the road", and he should be given more time, tolerance and blessings.

(Photo by reporter Su Mengjuan)

[Reporter Su Mengjuan/Taichung Report] The new Cabinet Secretary of the Executive Yuan, Chen Jianren, will lead the new cabinet tomorrow. Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan said that former Vice President Chen Jianren served as the Premier of the Executive Council for the first time. He should be given more time and tolerance. with blessings.

The cabinet layout of the new Chief Executive Chen Chien-jen is roughly finalized, and the new cabinet is expected to take office tomorrow. Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan pointed out that Chen Chien-jen is the first time to serve as the Executive Premier. He is a "novice on the road." Everyone should give him more time, tolerance and blessings .

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As for the launch of the new cabinet in the new year, Lu Xiuyan said that she hopes that the new administrative team will operate safely and smoothly, which is the blessing of the country.