Ma Ying-jeou said today that Pelosi's last visit to Taiwan brought big problems, and the Chinese government must be careful not to let the problems happen again.

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[Reporter Chen Zhengyu/Taipei Report] Speaker of the US House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy (Kevin McCarthy) rumored to plan to visit Taiwan in the spring. Former President Ma Ying-jeou said today (30) that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Nancy Pelosi) had previously brought big problems. The government must be careful not to let the problem happen again.

In this regard, DPP legislators criticized that China's civil attack and military intimidation and cognitive warfare have made Taiwan's internal self-imposed strategy effective. Ma Ying-jeou has fallen into the trap of the United Front in cooperating with the CCP to suppress Taiwan's national status and international space.

Following Pelosi, McCarthy is rumored to visit Taiwan in the spring.

In response to external concerns about China's countermeasures, Defense Minister Qiu Guozheng responded that the Ministry of National Defense usually responds to and takes action on possible events, but will not make rash judgments; Ma Ying-jeou said that last time Pelosi had brought big problems, Our government must face it with caution, and don't let this kind of problem happen again and again.

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Legislator Lai Ruilong of the Democratic Progressive Party pointed out in an interview that Taiwan is a free and democratic country, and international friends are welcome to visit. The visit of an influential person like the speaker of the US Congress is of course a positive benefit to Taiwan, and it is also a contribution to Taiwan's achievements in democracy and freedom. affim.

The reason why there is domestic pressure is that China does not want Taiwan to expand its international visibility and tries to obstruct any exchanges between Taiwan and the United States.

In response to Ma Ying-jeou's remarks, Lai Ruilong believes that China uses various methods to suppress the national dignity and international space of Taiwan, the Republic of China, but Ma Ying-jeou keeps singing this kind of statement. The strategy of making Taiwan self-imposed restrictions has worked, making our country's diplomatic situation even more difficult.

Democratic Progressive Party legislator Wang Dingyu said that if McCarthy visits Taiwan, it will be a normal international exchange. Taiwan has the right to receive any visiting friends, and international friends also have the right to choose an appropriate time to visit. shape the international order.

Once China's threat is used as the basis for decision-making on Taiwan-US relations, it is tantamount to encouraging rogue countries to intensify their efforts, and China will use greater power to create regional unrest.

Based on this, Wang Dingyu assessed that China may resort to military exercises, diplomacy, or economic restraints to turn an ordinary and harmless visit into a threat to Taiwan. The world should condemn China.

It is a pity that Ma Ying-jeou of the Kuomintang only dares to demand and criticize Taiwan, which is threatened, but dare not condemn China. The reason why China dares to act unscrupulously is that there are some "responders" in Taiwan.

In fact, Taiwan has not caused trouble, nor has it threatened any country. The whole world knows the importance of Taiwan, the basic principles are firm, and internal unity is the way to deal with "bad neighbors."

DPP legislator Wang Meihui also criticized Ma Ying-jeou as president, how could he say such a thing?

When Pelosi visited Taiwan, what we saw was the support and affirmation of Taiwan by the international community, and the democratic camp stood on the same line as Taiwan.

As for the current cross-strait situation, what Ma Ying-jeou should really review is China's opposition to democracy and freedom.