Tomorrow, January 30, an atmospheric front from northwestern Europe will cause precipitation in most regions of Ukraine.

This was reported by weather forecaster Natalya Didenko.

Snow and sleet are expected in the western regions, precipitation is predicted in Zhytomyr region, Kyiv region and Chernihiv region closer to the evening.

Also, wet snow or light rain is expected tomorrow in Crimea, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk region and Luhansk region.

The rest of the territory of Ukraine will belong to a dry air mass.

In addition, on Monday, a stronger wind is expected in the west and north of Ukraine, sometimes gusts will reach 15-20 meters per second.

"The air temperature in most regions of Ukraine does not change much: at night there is a slight, at most moderate, frost, during the day from 2 degrees below zero to 2 degrees Celsius," Didenko said.

Weather in Kyiv

In Kyiv on January 30, most of the day will be without significant precipitation.

However, an atmospheric front with snow will come to the capital tomorrow evening.

The wind will also increase.

In the coming night, the air temperature will reach -3-5 degrees of frost, tomorrow afternoon - 0, +1 degrees.

According to the forecaster, from February 4, closer to the next weekend, the atmosphere promises "classic winter" - snow and frost.

Earlier, national forecaster Stanislav Shchedrin said that around February 3, heavy snowfalls and blizzards will occur throughout the country.

Read also:

  • The last month of winter: the forecaster told what kind of weather February will surprise

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  • Kyiv may flood: forecasters commented on information from the Web

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