The ninth day of the first month of the lunar calendar is the birth of Tiangong, and the Jade Emperor is the god who governs the heaven and earth. This day is also an auspicious day for believers to pray for a safe and smooth new year, wealth and prosperity.

(Provided by Lukang Tianhou Palace)

[Reporter Zhang Congqiu/Lugang Report] Today is the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, the last day of the 10-day Spring Festival holiday. Tomorrow, the ninth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, "Tian Gong Sheng" is the birthday of the Jade Emperor and the first day of amnesty in the new lunar year. While celebrating the birthday of the Jade Emperor on this day, Hong Kong Tianhou Palace will also hold a treasure treasury ceremony on the tenth day of the next day (January 31). On that day, the Taoist priest will pray for the blessings of the gods, and recite the scriptures at an auspicious time Praying for blessings, warding off disasters, praying for believers, replenishing luck, attracting wealth and attracting nobles, bless everyone with prosperity and good luck.

Liu Jiawen, Director-General of Lukang Theanhou Temple, said that there are four times in a year that are suitable for replenishing the treasury according to folk customs. Blessings from Heaven Officials, Zhongyuan (July 15th of the lunar calendar) Christmas of the Earth Official, Xiayuan (October 15th of the Lunar Calendar) Xiayuan Water Officials to relieve misfortune, the Jade Emperor is the god who commands the heaven and earth, and the ninth day of the Lunar New Year is prayer It is an excellent auspicious day for peace and prosperity in the new year, and good fortune and fortune.

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Liu Jiawen said that people's treasury is divided into "sky treasury", "ground treasury" and "reservoir". The sky treasury is the "natal treasury". In the "Tianku", merits and virtues are accumulated, and blessings are accumulated; the base is the "Treasury of Zhengcai", that is, what has been suffered in this life is related to what has been done in the past. Forgiveness, forgive sins and "return the underground bank", bless everything goes smoothly, and keep away from leakage of wealth, and the water house is in charge of the "wealth" in the world, and the "replenishment reservoir" has wealth, praying for endless wealth and boundless wealth.

How to supplement the treasury?

Liu Jiawen said that replenishing the financial treasury is divided into "debt repayment" and "replenishment of luck". The feng shui formation belongs to "replenishment luck"; the other is called "ji treasury", which continues the blessings of this life and makes the next life more smooth. For example, in traditional customs, burning treasury money to the deceased is just hoping to replace him Paying off the "receiving debt" can also accumulate blessings in the next life in advance.

The Lukang Tianhou Temple is dedicated to the Three Officials. The Three Officials are the gods in charge of "Heavenly Officials", "District Officials" and "Water Officials". Sincerely pray to the Great Emperor of the Three Officials that "heavenly officials will bless you, local officials will pardon your sins, and water officials will relieve your misfortunes."

Lukang Tianhou Temple will hold a treasury replenishment ceremony on the tenth day of the Lunar New Year (January 31). The Taoist priests are invited to pray for the blessings of the gods, and to recite scriptures and scriptures to pray for blessings and eliminate disasters at auspicious times.

(Provided by Lukang Tianhou Palace)

On the ninth day of the ninth day, when you go to worship in the temple on the tenth day, you can sincerely pray to the three officials for blessings from the heavenly officials, forgiveness from the local officials, and relief from the water officials. Recruiting nobles makes big things into small things, and small things into nothing.

(Provided by Lukang Tianhou Temple)

The Lukang Tianhou Temple will hold a treasury replenishment ceremony on the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, asking the Taoist priest to ward off disasters for the believers, and hope that the Year of the Rabbit will attract nobles and bring good luck.

(Provided by Lukang Tianhou Palace)