During the event, two 2- and 3-year-old little cute lions were arranged to attract everyone's attention as soon as they appeared on the stage.

(Photo by reporter Wu Shengru)

[Reporter Wu Shengru/Report from Keelung] The Ciyun Temple in Keelung, established in the 2nd year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1847), has a history of 147 years. For more than 50 years, it has held art and cultural activities during the Chinese New Year, attracting both adults and children to participate.

At 10 am today, a painting activity was held, attracting a total of 75 schoolchildren to participate. At the opening ceremony, the temple even invited the lion dance troupe to perform, including two 2- and 3-year-old lion cubs to attract everyone's attention. People saw it and called it cute.

Qiu Peilin, deputy mayor of Xinke, Keelung City, also attended today on behalf of the mayor, and Tong Ziwei, the speaker of the council, also invited the secretary to participate in the unveiling event. Zhang Yuanxiang, director of civil affairs, Lin Jinzhen, mayor of Anle District, and several councilors attended the event.

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The chairman of Ciyun Temple pointed out that Ciyun Temple often assists people in need, and I am very grateful for everyone's support. The first day of art and cultural activities will be a painting competition, and tomorrow will be a calligraphy activity. Welcome everyone to worship in the temple.

The art and cultural activities of the century-old Ciyun Temple in Keelung started today.

(Photo by reporter Wu Shengru)