The mountain wall collapsed and many boulders blocked the way. Miao 126 county road was restored.

(Provided by the Public Works Office of Miaoli County Government)

[Reporter Cai Zhengmin/Miaoli Report] Three large-scale landslides occurred on the 25-30 km Touwu section of County Highway 126 in Miaoli County at the end of March last year. After the rainy season, heavy rains and falling rocks continued to collapse, resulting in huge boulders blocking the road and mountain walls collapsing. , making it impossible for the public to pass through.

As county road 126 is an important connecting road between Touwu Township and Shitan Township in Miaoli County, it is quite inconvenient for many people. The Miaoli County Government rushed to clear it before, but because it has not been repaired, people are inevitably a little scared when passing by.

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The Public Works Department of Miaoli County Government strives for the disaster recovery project, constructing retaining walls and rockfall prevention grids, which have now been completed. It is hoped that the previous situation of a large number of falling rocks and large-scale collapse of the mountain wall will not repeat itself.