If you think that the milk has become less - in no case do not start giving the baby formulas, if you have not done this before.

Just put the baby to the breast more often.

This will help restore the usual flow of milk.

UNICEF Ukraine writes about this. 

It is recommended to start introducing complementary foods from 6 months, but breast milk should still be the main food of the baby.

Even after the complete introduction of complementary foods, it is advisable to feed the child with breast milk after meals.

If you think your baby is hungry between feedings, put them to the breast.

Feed your baby on demand – as often as he wants and for as long as he wants.

The frequency of feedings will depend on your baby's needs.

Respond to babies' hunger cues.

Also remember that breastfeeding is not only food, but also a psycho-emotional connection, closeness with the mother and reassurance.

As the baby grows, the composition of your milk will change according to its nutritional needs.

Babies under 6 months do not need to be given water.

Even in a hot, dry climate, breast milk fully satisfies the baby's need for liquid.

Why breastfeeding is beneficial

Note that 

a breastfeeding woman loses about 500 additional calories per day by producing breast milk


Let us remind you that this is why 

it is worth continuing to eat a balanced and varied diet, and the weight after childbirth will gradually return to normal


But the 

mother's diet during lactation should be varied and balanced


It is important to include vegetables and fruits, rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, meat, fish, eggs, legumes and dairy products in your diet.

Read also: 

  • Breastfeeding is not contraindicated for children of mothers infected with SARS-CoV-2

  • Breastfeeding: about cracks, feeding mode and the quality of breast milk

  • Breastfeeding: myths to get rid of

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  • Ukraine news

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  • News of Ukraine: video

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