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Every year at this time, the topic of the situation in prisons in our country comes up on the agenda.

The reason is the professional holiday of those working in the sector.

And this year has not started without tension, as supervisors do not agree with the reform that the current leadership of the Department of Justice is proposing and working on.

The main concern of the supervisors lies in the insistence of the service management of the department to switch to 12-hour work shifts, instead of the previous 24-hour shifts, which is already a fact.

However, according to officials, the mixed regime has proven to be the most effective.

Yasen Todorov, head of the Union of Prison Employees in Bulgaria (SSZB), explained this in the program "Direct" on Bulgaria ON AIR.

"There was no real debate. Our organization collected a signature with more than 2,000 signatures in it. Signatures of people who do not agree with the change to the 12-hour work schedule. The main motive of the colleagues is mostly the trip to the prisons, so with most employees working 60 to 70 km from their workplaces, this change requires twice as much travel, in places and more, given the size of the staff, some people have to travel even more often, making personal inflation from over 100% for transport," he explained.

The supervisors are again protesting for higher wages

It also became clear from Todorov's words that the shortage of supervisors makes it difficult to implement the changes. 

"In some places, we switched to a day-night shift and two days off, not three, as the minister promised. Overtime levels will not decrease, accrued vacations continue to accumulate, and the only plus, according to the ministry, is that the tension among the supervisors is reduced ", he said. 

At the beginning of February, a general assembly of the SSZB is coming up, at which it is expected that a decision will be made whether the guards will go on another protest about the working conditions in the prisons. 

prison guards

cooking protest