After being sentenced for drunk driving, he committed another crime and crashed. The man was sentenced to another 6 months this time.

The picture shows Miaoli Diyuan.

(file photo)

[Reporter Cai Zhengmin/Miaoli Report] A man surnamed Yan has a habit of drinking too much. He was sentenced to 3 months in prison for drunk driving before, and later paid a fine in Yike.

Unexpectedly, Yan Nan did not behave himself. At noon last August, he rode his bicycle on the road and crashed into a car after drinking at a construction site in Miaoli City, Miaoli County. For 6 months, if Yike fines, 1,000 yuan will be converted into 1 day.

The judge of the Miaoli District Court pointed out that Yan Nan deliberately re-offended after the completion of the previous case. He rode on the road after drinking and drove through the urban roads. He not only ignored his own safety, but also ignored the safety of public traffic.

Please read on...

At the time of the incident, Yan Nan was unable to concentrate due to drunk driving, and was sent to the hospital after a car accident with a vehicle. The police also found that Yan Nan was not only drunk driving but also without a driver's license.