The head office of the State Production and Consumer Service in the Kyiv region reported on a food product in which a high content of acrylamide was detected.

These are cookies made in Romania (manufacturer: Ro Star SA, Romania) and exported

from Poland.

This is stated on the website of the State Production and Consumer Service.

"We warn market operators to comply with the obligation provided for in part 3 of Article 20 of the Law of Ukraine "On Basic Principles and Requirements for the Safety and Quality of Food Products", namely: immediate withdrawal of the food product from circulation and written notification to the competent authority of the detected non-compliance within the deadline no more than two working days," the message reads.

Photo: State Production and Consumer Service

Acrylamide is officially recognized as a carcinogen in many countries of the world.

It is formed naturally in foods during baking.

This organic compound causes poisoning when ingested, the symptoms of which appear only after a latent period of several days to weeks.

Symptoms of acrylamide poisoning:

  • increased sweating on the hands and feet,

  • numbness or even paralysis of the limbs.

We will add an investigation into the history of mysterious Tylenol poisonings. 

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