When to celebrate Angel Tatiana's Day?

According to the Orthodox calendar, Tetyana's name day in 2023 is celebrated on:

January 18 and 25, July 17, September 14 and 23, October 3, 11 and 21, December 3 and 23


Tatyana has been emotional since childhood.

Her mood often changes, which can bewilder those around her.

Tatiana demands constant attention to her personality, is jealous of other children.

A changeable mood often interferes with learning, and therefore it is not easy for Tanya.

In adulthood, Tatiana becomes a somewhat selfish person, fixated on her inner self.

At the same time, he is hardworking and stubborn in his work.

Loves children very much and becomes an ideal mother.

She is looking for a man who will support her in everything.

Congratulations on the Day of the angel Tatyana in your own words

On the Day of the Angel, I want to wish you, Tanya, that your angel will always protect you and help you in all your affairs - home and work, that all your endeavors will be realized, that you will always be accompanied by luck, prosperity and success.

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


I congratulate you, dear Tatyanka, on the Day of your angel!

And since Tatyana's name is associated with studentship, I wish you eternal spiritual youth.

So that at any age you don't get tired of having fun, taking risks, creating miracles, wondering and loving.

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


Happy Angel Day!

May your heavenly guardian be by your side in moments of joy and sadness, love and divorce, every minute, every second.

When you fall, he will pick you up, when you cry, he will comfort you, when you rejoice, he will rejoice with you.


I congratulate you, Tatyana, on your personal holiday.

Let parents be your creators, always support you, children be your creations, always make you happy, and your husband be your chosen one, always surround you with love and care.

In a word, simple female happiness for you!

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


Aunty, I congratulate you, little girl, on your birthday!

Be always as cheerful and charming as you are now.

I wish you great success in life, a bright path and good friends!

May you always have a cheerful sparkle in your eyes and many plans for the future.

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


My dear friend, Tatyanka!

I congratulate you on the day of the angel, I wish you to remain as bright and unusual as possible for as long as possible, so that you find your love and be happy.

After all, you are worth it!

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


My dear sister.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to congratulate you on Tatyana's Day.

Today is your holiday, the Day of your angel.

I want to wish you happiness, joy and a great mood every day.

May luck accompany you always, and misfortunes bypass you.

Happy holiday to you!


My best friend Tatiana, I congratulate you on your holiday!

On this exciting and unforgettable day for you, I want to wish you: to always remain the same beautiful, friendly and kind friend that you are.

May all your cherished dreams come true today and may your guardian angel always protect you from harm.

Happy holiday, Tatiana!

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


Dear Tetyanka, I am so proud that I have a sister with this name.

After all, this is an excellent reason to celebrate this day with me.

Happy holiday, great happiness in all matters!

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


Dear and sweet Tanyusha, I congratulate you and from the bottom of my heart I wish you rainbow happiness and bright hope, great luck and wonderful ideas, great mood and happy holidays, incredible victories and unearthly love.

Congratulations on the Day of the angel Tatyana: poems

Like a star in the sky

You are always beautiful.

You, Tatyana, are our dear,

You always make us happy.

I want to make a wish today

In this festive time for you,

Sea of ​​joy and love

A kiss is here for you!

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


Today, Tatiana, for you

The sun laughs straight from the sky

And delicately smelling flowers,

Warmed by its warmth.

And a woodpecker at dawn

Knocked back greetings,

And the mouse is a rattlesnake,

Pulled by the ear,

And the cat comes -

I wish you well.

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


There is no such person in the world

So that the eyes shine like beautiful pearls.

The ancient Greeks still thought so

And Tatiana was called the chosen one.

Tatyana, native,

You are a little fairy.

You are a miracle of miracles -

Magic orchid.

We wish you well

We will drink wine for you.



And immediately I congratulate!

I wish you on Tatyana's Day

Laughter, happiness and kindness,

To be healthy.

I want to wish you luck

Protect your love

So that happiness settles in the heart,

And all good things happened at once.

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


What a miracle this girl is

Behind the window?

Sincere eyes

Happiness is handed out, white face

Plays with the sun.

This is Tatyanka

The flower is as clear as the dawn,

The necklace is radiant

And as beautiful as the morning.

Fate gave her two wings

The first is kindness, the second is beauty

Fly like a seagull, my girl

Your love is in the starry worlds.

They say good things about Tatyanka,

Who will meet

Although handsome

This girl is not capricious

From Ukraine.

You, Tatyanka,

Like a pearl, you have a price

Among the flowers in the whole world

You are the only one who will not fade.

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


On Tatyana's day, I congratulate

You, beautiful lady,

May the Holidays give gifts

My destiny is joyful and clear.

May he always help

May he give strength to live

Trouble, sadness and misfortune

Let Tatyana take him away.

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


Early in the morning, before sunrise

The angel was knocking on the window

And told me the news

What is your birthday!

I wish you: quiet starry nights,

Blue or brown or gray eyes,

And the happiness of the limitless, the happiness of man,

There is only one person to love in life!


Our Tanya doesn't cry anymore

And today she is jumping.

This is because the holiday is in Tana

We will all go for a walk in the sauna.

We congratulate you, Tatyana,

I wish happiness and good.

Laughter, joy all year long,

Live your age without worries.

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


We congratulate you on Tatyana's day, dear,

We want to wish you happiness from everywhere.

We want to wish, our sweet bird,

that there is always an angel with you when it is difficult,

To raise to heaven, when happiness is full,

So that disputes are resolved only amicably,

To fill the heart with warmth, the eyes with a spark,

So that your loved one is with you from morning to night.

Pictures of Angel Tatyana's Day


On Tatyana's Day, I wish you

Good, immeasurable beauty,

And from the bottom of my heart today I congratulate

I will do what you say, just ask.

Let grace, and love, and inspiration,

They will surely enter the destiny,

I wish you the best of luck

Let all doubts go away!

Congratulations on the Day of Tatiana's angel: SMS

Today I congratulate Aunty on the Day of the Angel,

I wish you that spring chirped in your soul.

Let the sun shine for you only continuously,

А вдача відчиняє всі двері гостинно!

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни


Зі святом, Танечко, тебе я вітаю,

Багато-багато щастя в житті побажаю,

Щоб дім твій за версту обійшли холоди,

Щоб усміхалася частіше ти сьогодні і завжди!

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни


З днем Тетян вас, пані!

Будьте щасливі завжди і від любові рум'яні.

На січневий зимовий день свято випадає,

А у вас хай бузок в душах розквітає!


Нехай вино рікою ллється,

І лунає голосно сміх,

Раз в житті молодість дається,

Відзначимо Тетянин День, як перший сніг!

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни


У Тетянин день я вас вітаю.

Нехай Свята охороняє,

На нові звершення і цілі

Хай неодмінно надихає.

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни


З Днем ангела Тетяні вітання шлю палкі,

Хай будуть твої кроки упевнені й легкі.

Думки твої хай будуть чистіші від сльози

Щоби в житті не було ні шторму, ні грози.

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни


З днем Ангела я вітаю,

Таню моя мила!

Хай Свята тобі дарує

Білосніжні крила!


Для букви Т лиш серце б'ється,

Для букви А лиш кров кипить,

Для букви Н лиш серце ниє,

Для букви Я душа болить!

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни


Мою Тетяну-білосніжку

Цілую нині ніжно в щічку

Нехай здійсняться всі бажання

Мої найкращі привітання!

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни


Ти ... Т.А.Н.Я.





Шкода, що так мало букв, я міг би продовжувати й продовжувати :) Зі святом тебе!

Прикольні картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни

Картинки з Днем ангела Тетяни

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  • Ім'я Тетяна та його значення. Походження імені, характер, сумісність з іншими іменами