In the past two days, the Ukrainian air defense force has shot down several Russian aircraft in the Udon area, including 2 Su-25 attack aircraft and 4 Ka-52 helicopters.

The picture shows the Ka-52 helicopter that was previously shot down by the Russian army.

(Associated Press)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] The Ukrainian-Russian war continues. The Ukrainian Air Force pointed out that the Ukrainian air defense forces have made great gains in the past two days. They shot down many Russian aircraft in the Udon area, including 2 Su-25 attack aircraft and 4 Ka-52 helicopter.

On the 23rd and 24th, the Ukrainian Air Force released the results of front-line battles, pointing out that the Russian anti-aircraft missile force shot down 2 Su-25 attack aircraft, 1 Ka-52 helicopter, 2 Kh-59 air-to-ground missiles, and 1 "Eagle-10" (Orlan-10) unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

On the 24th, the Ukrainian army shot down three Ka-52 helicopters. The Ukrainian Air Force specifically mentioned that the three Ka-52 helicopters were shot down one after another within half an hour.

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According to Ukraine's "Kyiv Independent", the Ukrainian General Staff pointed out on the 24th that in addition to shooting down multiple Russian aircraft, the Ukrainian army also attacked three temporary bases and a logistics supply center of the Russian army that day. It also repelled the Russian army in many areas.

In addition, the Russian army launched 9 missiles, 27 air strikes and 79 multiple rocket attacks on Ukraine on the 24th.