Tainan Pharmacy provides the antiviral drug Paxlovid daily during the Chinese New Year holidays.

(Provided by Nanshi government)

[Reporter Wang Shuxiu/Tainan Report] During the 10-day Spring Festival holiday, the satellite pharmacy in Tainan City, which is responsible for distributing the public-funded oral antiviral drug Paxlovid, still provides daily drug collection services. Today (24) Mayor Huang Weizhe went to Lesen, North District The pharmacy cares and thanks the pharmacy for its assistance.

Huang Weizhe expressed his gratitude to the Tainan Pharmacist Association for its efforts and coordination. During the Spring Festival, it provided daily drug collection services so that those diagnosed with the disease could have antiviral drugs to take, so as to protect their lives, maintain their health, and celebrate the New Year with peace of mind.

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Wu Zhenming, chairman of the Tainan Pharmacist Association, pointed out that since May last year, the satellite pharmacies in Tainan City, which took over the task of distributing the oral antiviral Paxlovid in May last year, were closed during the Spring Festival holidays in previous years. We specially opened the door during the Spring Festival to accept the needs of the family members of the diagnosed patients to collect antiviral drugs on their behalf, so that the diagnosed patients and their families can feel at ease during the Chinese New Year.

In addition, pharmacies that still provide antiviral medicines during the Spring Festival, due to the different business hours of each pharmacy, and the stock of antiviral medicines in each pharmacy will also change accordingly due to the different business hours of each pharmacy. People, please call to make an appointment to go to the pharmacy for further confirmation. The Tainan Pharmacist Association also provides a detailed list of pharmacies that receive antiviral drugs during the Spring Festival. For public inquiries.

Lin Guizhen, chairman of the community pharmacy committee of the Tainan Pharmacist Association, said that the group of pharmacists in Tainan City who deliver medicines to the home for confirmed patients can still provide this service during the Spring Festival, but the manpower is relatively insufficient during the Spring Festival. You can get medicines on behalf of your relatives and friends, so that you can get medicines faster.

In addition, people who are diagnosed can download the "Healthy Friends App". When they need to receive medicine after watching the online outpatient clinic, they can operate on the "Select Delivery" screen, search for a pharmacy that can provide home delivery service to contact or click, pharmacy After receiving the information, the terminal confirms that the dispensing and delivery are safe, and then proceeds to follow-up processing. If the selected pharmacy has insufficient drug items, it can re-select other pharmacies to assist in processing.

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The Tainan Pharmacy Bureau provided the antiviral drug Paxlovid every day during the Spring Festival holiday. Mayor Huang Weizhe (middle) went to the Pharmacy Bureau today to express his gratitude.

(Provided by Nanshi government)