Hu Can Tran, who opened fire indiscriminately at a California dance club and killed 11 people, was once a regular at this club...

Monterey Park (USA):

The 72-year-old Asian immigrant who shot himself two days ago after being cornered by police after indiscriminately killing 11 people at a California dance club was once a regular at the club.

A man named Hu Can Tran used a semi-automatic pistol to open fire at the Star Ballroom dance studio in Monterey Park, an Asian-dominated neighborhood near Los Angeles.

About 20 minutes later, a youth in another dance club caught hold of him and disarmed him.

The small town of Monterey Park was trying to recover from the tragedy in the midst of an Asian Lunar New Year celebration, when a picture of the suspect surfaced.

Hu Can Tran, a name commonly used by the Vietnamese, came to America from China.

This information was obtained from the marriage certificate, which was shown to the news channel CNN by Tran's ex-wife.

The woman, who did not want to be named, told the network that she had met Hu Can Tran two decades ago at Star Ballroom Dance Studio, where he was a regular.

According to the studio's website, it was founded in 1990, and offers classes from children's ballet to lutin steps and belly dance.

According to Tran's ex-wife, Tran personally came and talked to her, and offered to teach informally for free.

After some time both of them got married, but that relationship could not last long.

The woman said, Tran sometimes worked as a truck driver.

He was not violent, but used to get very impatient at times.

According to the court records revealed by CNN, the two were divorced in the year 2006.

Another person who knew Tran well in the late 2000s and early 2010s told the news channel that Tran was a regular visitor to the studio during those days.

The man told CNN that Tran drove to the studio almost every night from his home in the San Gabriel neighborhood, three miles from Monterey Park.

But he used to complain about the dance teachers of the studio and told that they (dance teachers) used to say 'bad things' about him.

This person told that the train used to tease many people in the studio.

The San Gabriel home was sold by Who Can Train in 2013.

According to the Los Angeles Times report, Tran was living in a mobile home in the city of Hemet, about 85 miles from Los Angeles.

A neighbor, Pat Roth, told broadcaster KTLA, "Everybody's freaking out...everybody thought he was a quiet little guy...he'd stop more than your pet dog on the go." Loved it... Everyone I've talked to is stunned that Train was involved..."

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