Mother Wu was also very sad to learn that her son had killed a policeman, but she still had to take care of her grandson alone.

(provided by the public)

[Reporter Liu Xiaoxin/Changhua Report] Gao Weilun, a 29-year-old policeman from Kuaiguan Police Station of Changhua Police Sub-bureau, was hit by a drugged driver and died today while waiting at a red light. She was often away from home, only coming back for New Year's Eve dinner, and did not go home for two consecutive days. She was also very sad to learn that her son had killed a policeman.

Wu's mother said that she is a single mother, and now she lives in a house rented by her son. Her daughter-in-law was arrested and locked up for a drug case, and her son doesn't come back often. She has to take care of her son and his wife's children alone. Taking drugs.

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Wu's mother said that her son was rarely at home. He came back to surround the stove on New Year's Eve, and ran out after dinner. She is still in the hospital, and her son killed a police officer. She doesn't know what to do, but she is really sad.

Gao Weilun, a police officer of the Kuaiguan Station, finished his duty this morning and was about to ride a motorcycle back to the rental house. While waiting for a red light at the intersection of Zhangxing Road and Sheng'an Road in Changhua City, he was chased and killed by a drugged driver named Wu Nan.

The place where the car accident happened was about a few kilometers away from the rented house of Wu Nan, and Wu's mother didn't know whether it was on the way home or not.

☆One less drug is more healthy, Liberty Times reminds you to stay away from drugs☆

A deadly car accident occurred in Changhua. Gao Weilun, a police officer of the Kuaiguan Station, was chased and killed while waiting for a red light.

(provided by the public)