According to the Chinese calendar, 2023 is the

year of the Black Water Rabbit

or Cat.

Chinese New Year: how to determine the date

The date of the Chinese New Year is determined by the lunar calendar: the holiday falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice on December 21 or 22.

Thus, every time the New Year in China falls on different dates of the Gregorian calendar we are used to between January 21 and February 20.

The New Year of the Rabbit in 2023 did not come on January 1, but on January 21, 2023.

Chinese New Year: Eastern Zodiac

The use of the word "zodiac" reflects some connection with the western signs of the zodiac: the cycle here is also divided into 12 parts, and most of them are associated with some animal.

Zodiac animals are not associated with constellations, are not tied to the celestial sphere, but are correlated with the years of the year.

The Chinese zodiac is a scheme common in a number of East Asian countries that associates each year with certain animals and their attributes.

Chinese New Year January 21, 2023: Eastern calendar horoscope


Treat your body with love and care.

Pay attention to your health, clear your mind and calm your soul.


Be filled with inspiration and good ideas.

Pursue what you desire.


Control your actions, emotions and state.

Treat your failures as opportunities to learn and grow.


Don't let your fears hold you back.

Let go of the past and live in the present.


Meet your own expectations, and not the wishes of others.

Be grateful for everything you have.


Forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes.

Respect your boundaries and ask others to respect them.


Your life is now in harmony and balance.

You are worthy of love, respect and kindness.


The universe is generous, be grateful for its important gifts.


Your life is full of endless possibilities for success and happiness.

I do not judge myself or others.


Be beautiful inside and out.

Love your body and appearance, take care of them.


Think success, imagine success, and you will create the power that fulfills desires.


A stage of prosperity in life is expected soon.

It is possible that new projects will be started that will be successful.

We will remind you that earlier the

Ukrainian Chinese showed how they celebrate the Chinese New Year


We also wrote about how

Chinese New Year is celebrated: money in red envelopes and grandiose fireworks


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