Huang Chongyan, Deputy Secretary-General of the Presidential Office, accepted an exclusive interview with this newspaper's "What's the matter with me?"

(Photo by reporter Chen Pinyu)

[Reporter Tu Jumin/Taipei Report] Vice President Lai Ching-teh intends to run for the 2024 presidential election and will take office as the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party on January 18. Huang Chongyan, deputy secretary-general of the presidential office who has long observed the interaction between President Tsai Ing-wen and Lai Ching-teh, said that a good A good leader must have an understanding of the current international affairs and situation, and clearly grasp the future direction of the country, and put it in the forefront.

In Heng Zhu's current political arena, whether it is President Tsai or Vice President Lai, they all meet the conditions for "capital title".

Huang Chongyan was interviewed by this newspaper's "What's the matter with me?" When asked about Lai Qingde, who has just assumed the chairmanship of the Democratic Progressive Party, when he observed the interaction and relationship with President Tsai, he said that Taiwan is a democratic country, and there must be competition among political parties. Tit-for-tat, different opinions, etc., but the focus is on how political leaders can re-gather their strength after the competition, and work together towards the common goals of the party and the country.

For example, President Tsai once competed with Premier Su Zhenchang, but "they are actually the best now" and are also the best partners in promoting policies.

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Huang Chongyan said that Lai Qingde and Tsai Ing-wen also competed in 2019, but later jointly formed "Cai Laipei" and won the presidential election in 2020. During the subsequent four major referendums, the outside world could see the president and vice president on almost every occasion Divide into a joint attack.

Huang Chongyan said that from the perspective of the president, national interests must be the first priority. Under this priority, even if there are various competitions and challenges between political parties or within political parties, everyone can still find a goal to work together.

Tsai Ing-wen is about to leave office in more than a year, and she also believes that Lai Qingde should learn more about international politics and major issues in the past few years.

Therefore, Tsai Ing-wen has regularly invited Lai Qingde to participate in some important foreign visit opportunities, policy issues, and security issues discussions in the past two years.

As for whether Lai Qingde is the leader who "proclaims the head"?

Huang Chongyan said that based on the above points, a good leader must understand the current international affairs and situation, and clearly grasp the future direction of the country, and be willing to invest and put it in the forefront.

In terms of the current political arena, as far as the political figures in the DPP are concerned, no matter whether it is President Tsai or Vice President Lai, they all meet the conditions for "topping" in comparison.