On the 19th, the Legislative Yuan passed the central government's general budget for the third reading, and President You Xikun knocked down the gavel.

(Photographed by reporter Luo Peide)

[Reporter Xie Junlin/Taipei Report] Today (19th) is the last day of the current session of the Legislative Yuan. Legislative Yuan Yu Xikun delivered a speech before the closing of the session, saying that since the opening of the session in September last year, the Legislative Yuan has passed a total of 69 major bills. It can be divided into five aspects: strengthening the social safety net, enhancing national competitiveness, promoting sustainable development, strengthening maternal and child protection, and continuing to promote congressional diplomacy.

You also mentioned that an assessment report is expected to be submitted in March regarding the expansion of the Congress.

However, he also expressed regret that the "18-year-old citizenship" constitutional amendment failed to pass the referendum, "fully respecting the people's choice."

You Xikun said that 69 major bills were passed during this session, including 46 legal bills, 16 budget and final bills, 1 abolition bill, 2 treaty bills, 1 personnel consent right bill, 3 internal regulations and other bills, etc. , can be divided into five aspects.

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To strengthen the social safety net, Yu Xikun detailedly passed the "Regulations on the Use of Police Equipment", "Mental Hygiene Law", "Smoke Hazard Prevention Law", and "Physiotherapist Law" to strengthen the social safety net and the health protection of Chinese people; Amendment "Regulations on Farmers' Health Insurance" and "Trade Union Law" to enhance the rights and interests of farmers and laborers.

The third reading of five bills, including the "Regulations on the Transfer of Skilled Personnel to Public Servants" and the New System of Retirement for Public Education, reformed the pension system for public education.

In terms of enhancing national competitiveness, You Xikun said that the "Regulations on Industrial Innovation", the "Law on Promoting Private Participation in Public Construction", the "State-owned Enterprise Management Law", and the "Intellectual Property Case Trial Law" were passed to consolidate the roots of key industries in Taiwan; and " Amendments to the Securities Exchange Law, Insurance Law, Commodity Tax Regulations, Electronic Payment Institution Management Regulations, and Tobacco and Alcohol Tax Law can strengthen government supervision, improve finances, and protect people's rights and interests.

In the part of promoting sustainable development, You Xikun pointed out that the "Climate Change Response Act" was passed to respond to global climate change and be friendly to the earth, and amended the "Equal Land Rights Regulations" and the "Rental Housing Market Development and Management Regulations" to strengthen housing justice and improve quality of life.

In terms of strengthening the protection of women and children, You Xikun said that five amendments were passed, including the "Criminal Law of the Republic of China and its Enforcement Law", "Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Victims of Crime", "Law on the Prevention and Control of Sexual Assault Crimes", and "Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents" In order to strengthen the prevention and control of digital network sexual violence and improve the protection of the rights and interests of victims.

On the part of continuing to promote congressional diplomacy, You Xikun said that since July last year, the Legislative Yuan has received 75 delegations from the European Parliament and congresses of 23 countries, including Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, and Speakers of Paraguay and Tuvalu. 877 foreign visitors.

In addition, You Xikun said that he also organized a delegation to visit Europe and met with at least 4 speakers, 9 deputy speakers, 52 congressmen and 17 local officials to strengthen the connection with European countries; all countries are highly affirming Taiwan's democratic achievements and epidemic prevention results.

In November, he also organized a delegation to visit Japan, and communicated with 84 members of the House of Representatives to strengthen the partnership between Taiwan and Japan, so as to promote peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

As for the serious shortage of space in the Legislative Yuan, You Xikun pointed out that he has presided over five times the Legislative Yuan’s Future Congress Vision and Planning Advisory Committee to discuss suitable locations for expansion. It is expected that an assessment report will be submitted in March. and Supervisory Committee" for discussion.