Zinan Palace in Zhushan Township, Nantou County is famous for borrowing money and money mothers.

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[Reporter Zhang Xiesheng/Nantou Report] Do you know which temples Chinese people most want to visit during the Spring Festival?

Cai Peihui, the former executive director of the Central United Service Center of the Executive Yuan and a candidate for the second by-election of the Nantou County Legislative District, pointed out in a Facebook PO post that according to Google Maps statistics, there are 3 of the top 10 temples that Taiwanese most want to visit during the Spring Festival. In Nantou County, Zhushan Zinan Palace, which is famous for making money and borrowing money, also defeated Xingtian Temple in Taipei City to win the championship. Cai Peihui also took this opportunity to welcome people from all over the country to come to Nantou temples and scenic spots during the Spring Festival to visit and pray for blessings.

Cai Peihui quoted the report information in the Facebook PO article, pointing out that according to Google’s hot map search last year, the top 10 temples that Taiwanese most want to go to during the Spring Festival are Zhushan Zinan Temple, Xingtian Temple, Baishatun Gongtian Temple, Longshan Temple, Hsinchu City God’s Temple, Baohu Palace Tianditang Dimu Temple, Fu'an Temple in Checheng, Lukang Tianhou Temple, Fuludi Nanshan Fude Palace and Zhongliao Shilong Palace, among which Zinan Palace in Zhushan ranked first, and Baohu Palace Tiandi in Puli ranked sixth The Tangdi Mother Temple and the tenth Zhongliao Stone Dragon Palace are both in Nantou County.

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Zinangong Temple in Zhushan is famous for giving money to mothers and borrowing money to get rich. During the Spring Festival, pilgrims flock in an endless stream; Baohu Palace Tianditang (Dimu Temple) in Puli Town is the center of belief in Taiwan's Dimu. The most famous is The Bagua Jiulong Pond in front of the temple is said to pass into the pool to receive the nourishment of the spiritual spring, which can ward off disasters and improve luck. Also, because the blue roof tiles and roof curve of the temple hall are similar to the South Korean Presidential Palace, it is called "Taiwan version of Blue House". ; and Zhongliao Stone Dragon Palace, because it provides instant noodles so that believers can avoid surprises and eat safely, it has become a feature.

In the Tiandi Hall of Baohu Palace in Puli Town, the Bagua Jiulong Pool in front of the temple is said to pass into the pool to receive the nourishment of the spiritual spring, which can eliminate disasters and improve luck.

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Zhongliao Shilonggong Digong Temple is famous for providing instant noodles so that believers can avoid surprise and eat safely.

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