2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. Folklore expert Liao Dayi said that children born in the Year of the Rabbit are very lucky to think quickly and make decisions quickly.

This photo shows children performing a rabbit dance at the press conference of the Nantou Lantern Festival.

(Photo by reporter Zhang Xiesheng)

[Reporter Zhang Xiesheng/Nantou Report] 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, which is also the year of "Guimao". Folklore expert Liao Dayi said that children born in the year of "Guimao" are very lucky. , before mid-April of the national calendar, there is a chance to work hard to "be a human being"!

Liao Dayi also pointed out that this year is the year of "Guimao", "Gui" belongs to water, and "Mao" belongs to wood, which is the luck of the year of "dryness giving birth to branches". Therefore, children born in this year are quick thinking like rabbits, squatting before jumping , Make a plan and move, you will be blessed in your life, and it is easy to have noble people to help you.

The zodiac culture of the Chinese society originated from the calendar of the stems and branches. Therefore, the traditional zodiac rotation should start from the beginning of spring in the 24 solar terms. Children born on this day of the Beginning of Spring are considered rabbits whose zodiac sign is the rabbit. However, modern people generally use the first day of the Lunar New Year as the start of the zodiac rotation, so children born after the first day of the lunar year are considered rabbits.

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Liao Dayi said that there are two beginnings of spring in the lunar calendar this year because of the leap in February, which is called a double spring year. In addition to the beginning of spring on the 14th day of the first month of the lunar calendar, December 25th at the end of the lunar year (February 4, 2024) is also the beginning of spring. Based on this calculation, Couples who want to have a baby bunny have the opportunity to work hard to "be human" before mid-April this year.

However, Liao Dayi said that in the traditional concept of the old people in Taiwan, they like to give birth to dragon sons and dislike tiger sons, because they think that dragon sons can bring prosperity to the family and have more achievements in the future, while tiger sons have a hard life and a fierce personality. , but in fact people of all zodiac signs have outstanding talents. Because the number of children born in the Year of the Tiger is relatively small, unlike the number of children born in the Year of the Dragon, the pressure of competition is not so great. The richest entrepreneur Guo Taiming is also Xiao Hu, and he is the most accomplished person, so there is no need to be obsessed with what zodiac child is better.

Liao Dayi emphasized that Taiwan's declining birthrate is serious and has become a national security concern. As long as the people work hard to "increase production and serve the country" and educate the next generation well, they will be able to fulfill their duties and develop their strengths in the workplace in the future. No matter what zodiac a child is, it is a good thing for the society and the country. , the most important thing is that parents must be virtuous, know how to honor their parents, and do a lot of charity. Naturally, there will be a good magnetic field to attract children who repay their kindness, and they will have some achievements when they grow up.

Folklore expert Liao Dayi said that it is very lucky to have a child in the Year of the Rabbit this year, and it is easy to have noble people to help.

(Photo provided by Liao Dayi)