Before the Chinese New Year, Kaohsiung Blue-Green had a fight over the light rail.

(Photo by reporter Wang Rongxiang)

[Reporter Wang Rongxiang/Kaohsiung Report] The Kaohsiung City Council will not hold a meeting until after the Lunar New Year, but the councilors can't wait to fight over the light rail first!

The Kuomintang group criticized the dilapidated sidewalks on both sides of the light rail construction area as "pedestrian hell." The DPP group criticized the Kuomintang for "has a grudge against the light rail."

Chen Meiya, chief of the Kaohsiung City Council's KMT group, named the Dashun section of the Kaohsiung light rail construction, fully confirming the notoriety of "pedestrian hell". The Kaohsiung City Government will only spend money unrealistically to organize activities to satisfy vanity, but turn a blind eye to the most basic safety of the people .

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Li Meizhen, deputy general secretary of the Kuomintang League, pointed out that these messages are also in line with Kaohsiung's Dashun Road Light Rail Transit, based on the messages from the ptt villagers. Isn't the city government ashamed of the current situation of the construction section?

In response to the criticism from the KMT group, the DPP group criticized the KMT’s argument that it seems that the KMT “has a grudge against the light rail.” It has long been unpopular with the public, and now it wrongly compares the light rail construction traffic pain period to “pedestrian hell”, which not only smears the light rail, but also affects the development of Kaohsiung. The purpose is because KMT-ruled counties and cities such as Taipei have recently been criticized as "pedestrian hell". In order to save face for their own party, they use political saliva to drag Kaohsiung into the water to "balance public opinion" and change their faces into "fighting chickens."

Lvying reminded that the KMT forgot how to level Kaohsiung’s achievements before the election, and robbed itself of its political achievements, and called on the KMT group to return to rational supervision and stop using old steps to vilify Kaohsiung.

The green camp called on the KMT members to use rational and professional policy advice to tell the city government how to improve the response and do better, and work together to overcome the unavoidable traffic pain period during the construction of the light rail, instead of still using it on the eve of the Chinese New Year. The method of abuse is to smear the progress of Kaohsiung. It only wants to help the mayor of Taipei, Jiang Wanan, to "untie the trap" and get rid of the quagmire of the ruling county and city being rated as "pedestrian hell". Earn the trust and respect of the citizens.