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Britain is fighting a double epidemic - of flu and coronavirus, this forced the authorities to open temporary morgues.

All this is happening against a backdrop of severe health staffing shortages and ongoing strikes by nurses and emergency staff.

There are 133,000 vacancies for full-time doctors and nurses in the country, as well as part-time ones.

£3bn has been given to hire private doctors.

There are also virtual examinations that can be done through a mobile application.

One in five patients taken by an ambulance in England in the last 2022 took more than an hour to get to A&E, and tens of thousands waited more than 12 hours before receiving treatment there.

This has led to 20% more mortality, reports Nova TV. 

According to a study, 3 million people were infected with flu and coronavirus in the last 2 weeks of 2022.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak - British economist and politician Rishi Sunak was born on May 12, 1980 in Southampton, called on public sector unions to hold talks with the government next week as a wave of strikes hit hospitals, railways and other critical areas.

Rishi Sunak: UK health worker strikes are terrifying for patients

Rishi Sunak

Great Britain

an epidemic
