A Vietnamese woman was acquitted by the Kaohsiung Higher Branch Court for disclosing the personal information of her fellow countrymen.

(Photo by reporter Bao Jianxin)

[Reporter Bao Jianxin/Kaohsiung Report] A Vietnamese woman surnamed Nguyen had a debt dispute with a fellow villager. She was suspected of posting the other party’s ID card and other information on Facebook to remind her fellow villagers to pay attention. It is believed that what Ruan Nu said is factual, and there is no criminal intent subjectively, and she is acquitted.

The prosecution pointed out that in August 2020, the defendant Nv Ruan contacted Facebook through her mobile phone at her residence in Kaohsiung City because she did not pay back the money owed by her fellow countrymen. At the same time, the Vietnamese sisters have been scammed by Ah Feng for their hard-earned money, everyone should fight for fairness for themselves", and post photos of each other's ID card, house number and life.

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The defendant pointed out that his behavior complied with Article 20 of the Personal Data Protection Act, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2 "necessary to promote the public interest" and Paragraph 4 "to prevent major harm to the rights and interests of others", so it can be prevented but violated the law.

The summary court of the Qiaotou District Court sentenced the defendant to two months in prison for violating the Personal Data Law. The Kaohsiung High Court reversed the sentence.

The second-instance collegiate panel investigated, and the defendant subjectively had no intention to "benefit the illegal interests of himself or a third party or harm the interests of others" as stated in Article 41 of the Personal Data Protection Law, and the content of the post did not contain any insulting words, and the acquittal verdict was maintained And determines.