The Israeli people took to the streets of the capital Tel Aviv on the evening of the 14th to protest against the judicial reforms under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's tenure, criticizing this as an attack on democratic politics.


[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] The current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intends to reorganize the Supreme Court through a review committee during his term of office and allow the parliament to overturn the Supreme Court's judgment.

This move ignited the anger of the Israeli people and took to the streets to protest, bombarding this as an "attack on democratic politics".

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, Israeli Justice Minister Yariv Levin announced last week that he would reorganize the Supreme Court through the establishment of a review committee, and at the same time give Congress the power to "overturn the Supreme Court's ruling" with a simple majority vote.

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The Israeli people were quite dissatisfied with this, describing the reform of the judicial system as an "attack on democracy". Protesters gathered in Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel, on the evening of the 14th. According to police estimates, 80,000 people took to the streets to protest.

At the same time, the Israeli people also held related rallies in the Prime Minister's Office and other cities.

Critics told the media that this judicial reform will weaken the independence of the judiciary, encourage corruption, prevent minorities from obtaining their due rights, and undoubtedly deprive the credibility of the Israeli courts.

The judicial reform was also opposed by Israel's Supreme Court President Esther Hayut and Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara.

Hayut slammed the reform as a brazen attack on the legal system aimed at "combating the independence of the judiciary".

According to a Reuters report, Netanyahu carried out judicial reform in the name of "safeguarding the three powers of the government", hoping to control the Supreme Court.