The nine elected Central Committee members of the People's Party are Zhang Kaijun, Kui Shenghua, Jiang Heshu, Feng Qiyan, Fan Jiangyikai, Lim Guanting, Xu Ruihong, Chen Xianglin, and Zhang Xinhua.

(The picture is taken from YouTube Voice of the People)

[Reporter Huang Jingyu/Taipei Report] The People's Party will hold its 2nd Party Congress and the election of Central Committee Members and Central Review Committee members tonight, electing 9 voting members of the Central Committee and 7 members of the Central Committee Review Committee for the next two years.

Zhang Kaijun, the current chairman of the Central Judges who once ran for the New Taipei City Councilor, was elected as a member of the Central Committee with 54 votes. The first most popular judge was Lin Weiming, the son of Taipei City Party Committee Chairman Lin Guocheng and brother of Councilor Lin Zhenyu.

The 9 elected members of the Central Committee are Zhang Kaijun, the current chairman of the Central Judging Committee, Mei Shenghua, who is supported by the legislator Qiu Chenyuan, Jiang Heshu, who is close to Gao Hongan, Feng Qiyan, the chairman of the Kaohsiung City Party Department who has been friends with Ke Wenzhe for many years, and Lai Xiangling, who is close to him. Fan Jiangyikai, Lin Guanting, a 25-year-old master student, Xu Ruihong, Chen Xianglin, and Zhang Xinhua.

In addition, current Central Committee member Sun Zhenghua, who was running for re-election with Jiang Heshu and Feng Qiyan, lost in 10th place.

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The seven central review members are Lin Weiming, Li Weihua, Wu Shilian, Pan Xiaoren, Zhan Qiaoyin, Liu Jiarong, and Li Daiyin.

According to the party constitution of the People's Party, the authority of the central committee includes the list of candidates for public office at all levels nominated by the party, and the list of important executives of the local party departments, which will have considerable influence on the nomination of regional and non-regional legislators in the future 2024 general election.

In addition, after the People's Party's financial management measures have been revised, the fundraising responsibility of the current Central Committee members has been reduced to 500,000 yuan per year, and the fundraising responsibility of the Central Committee of Judges has been reduced to 100,000 yuan per year, which is half the amount compared with the previous term.


The seven members of the People's Party Central Committee are Lin Weiming, Li Weihua, Wu Shilian, Pan Xiaoren, Zhan Qiaoyin, Liu Jiarong, and Li Daiyin.

(The picture is taken from YouTube Voice of the People)