The incident in which the teenager fell into a coma and fractured occurred in the seventh phase of the mansion area.

(Reporter Zhang Ruizhen dug up GOOGLE Street View)

[Reporter Zhang Ruizhen/Taichung Report] A 13-year-old boy fell from a building in Phase 7 of Xitun District, Taichung City. This afternoon (14th), the boy fell from the 39th floor to the balcony on the 33rd floor. The homeowner was so frightened that he hurriedly notified the Zhongshi Police Station. The Police Service Command Center reported it to the Taichung City Fire Department and dispatched the Liming Unit to be on duty. The boy was only 13 years old with an open thigh fracture and confusion. He was sent to the Taichung Veterans General Manager Hospital rescue; mother of the teenager said that her son has been emotionally unstable recently.

The juvenile wounded was lying on the balcony on the 33rd floor, unconscious. The police interviewed the family members and confirmed that the juvenile was a resident of the building. When the mother accompanied her son to the doctor, she said that the son was emotionally unstable. Good idea, the police reported to the Central City Government Suicide Prevention and Control Center according to the regulations.

Liberty Newsletter cares about you: Suicide cannot solve the problem, bravely asking for help is not a weak person, there is warmth everywhere in society, and we will surely overcome the difficulties.

Peace of mind hotline: 1925

Lifeline consultation hotline: 1995.

Teacher Zhang's special line: 1980