Teacher's Day

falls on January 16 of every year.

It is a day for everyone to remember the grace of the teacher.

who is like a mold of the nation that serves to endorse knowledge

Thairath Online recommends 5 cute ideas for making

Teacher's Day greeting cards

online. Using Canva's platform with many beautiful templates, you can write

Teacher's Day greetings

in different languages ​​on the card. Convenient, save time, get beautiful card images.

Send it to your teacher online.

Giving away 5 ideas for Teacher's Day greeting cards 2023. Easy to do by yourself. Send online.

1. Teacher's Day cards with greeting poems

Let's start with the first Teacher's Day greeting card.

It is recommended to divide the Teacher's Day card into two sides.

The first side can put fonts and beautiful patterns that symbolize Teacher's Day.

The other side is for writing greetings.

Or a poem on Teacher's Day, good meaning

To send to teachers that we commemorate on the National Teacher's Day 2023

2. Teacher's Day card with frame

For anyone who wants to add cuteness to a cute Teacher's Day greeting card.

Ours looks friendly.

not too formal

You might also use the idea of ​​taking the teacher's photo and pasting it on the card as well.

Choose an online card template with a frame to upload photos.

It is considered an interesting option. 

3. Teacher's Day cards with floral patterns

for senior teachers

You may appreciate greeting cards that are simple.

decorated with familiar Thai patterns or choose beautiful flower patterns

used to decorate the card

can increase the brightness in another way

Most importantly, don't forget to write a cute message.

also attached to the card

4. Teacher's Day card in cute cartoon style

Which teachers are especially close to us?


Have fun talking

may choose to make a Teacher's Day greeting card that can add colorful graphic effects

cute cartoon pattern

Fonts that are too informal

fully decorated in style

After that, download the picture and send it to the teacher.

5. Teacher's Day cards in foreign languages

Anyone who wants to come to the Internet

Or want to send a card to a teacher who used to teach us a foreign language

You can choose to write a greeting message on Teacher's Day in various languages, such as English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc. It is considered modern.

and also a reminder of the knowledge that he had taught

Collection of greeting poems on Teacher's Day

Happy Teacher's Day greetings, short, good meaning

Teacher's Day greetings

There are many forms in each language, there are different greetings, such as Thai language, it is popular to write greeting poems on Teacher's Day.

Focus on words that rhyme.


Or in the English Teacher's Day greetings, it may use a short message.

have a good meaning

Expressing gratitude to teachers who have taught us various knowledge subjects, for example:

Happy Teacher's Day poems in Thai language

- To the teacher who gives to the students

who devoted his life to teaching

Both kindness, caring, generosity

May all blessings befall the teacher

- Even if anyone sees the teacher as a hired boat,

but the teacher creates the way of life, the disciple clings on

for many years, being separated from each other

, the disciple's heart still misses the teacher.

- from someone who has no knowledge

being harassed by a kind teacher

Keep advising and admonishing calmly.

Again, like a friend when suffering

Happy Teacher's Day greetings in Chinese


Read: Zhu Lao Shi Jia Ru Cai Le

means : Happy Teacher's Day, Happy Teacher's Day.

Blessings for teachers moving schools

happy teachers day english

- Thank you, teachers, for making online classes so enjoyable.

- To my favorite teacher, I am today and for that I will always be thankful.

- Happy Teachers day!

You are the reason why I am what I am today.

- Thank you for being my mentor and my role model.


National Teacher's Day 2023,

for those who remember teachers

But far away from each other can send

greeting cards Teacher's Day.

online design by yourself

ready to write

Happy Teacher's Day

, good meaning on the card and sent to the teacher via social media channels.

This is just a reminder of him and an expression of love and concern.