The university academic test is taking the natural science test today, and the national senior high school education industry trade union test question review teacher group analyzes each test question.

(provided by Quanzhongjiao)

〔Reporter Lin Xiaoyun/Taipei Report〕University Examination of Natural Science, National Senior High School Education Industry Trade Union Examination Question Review Teacher Group analysis, among them, this year's biology has many cross-subject and cross-unit questions, and it is not easy to get a high score. Biology teacher from Jingmeizhong, Beishi You Yunxia said that the biology department responds to current events in the Nobel Prize science in a timely manner, focuses on the ability to interpret diagrams, and closely follows the spirit of inquiry and practice. , there are many genetic questions, and the term "evolutionary force" in question 57 lacks a rigorous definition.

Li Wenli, a geology teacher at Jianguo Middle School, said that this year's questions are difficult, and students have a high degree of difficulty in answering them. Some of the questions are flexible and conform to the spirit of the 108 syllabus. Most of them are high-level (application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation) questions, which can identify For students who are familiar with various topics of earth science and have natural science literacy, the cross-disciplinary examination questions of inquiry and practice fully demonstrate the characteristics of earth science as an applied science. Candidates must flexibly use basic scientific concepts such as physics and chemistry to give full play to inquiry and practice Only by using the spirit of analysis and integration can you choose the correct answer. The only drawback is the allocation of question 54. If you can explain what key points need to be emphasized in the inference basis of the question, students can better answer within the answering time. Demonstrate the ability to identify for this item.

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Zhang Jingli, a chemistry teacher at the High School Affiliated to National Taiwan Normal University, said that this year’s chemistry test includes current affairs questions about the ammonium nitrate explosion in Lebanon. Candidates who have the ability to analyze graphs and read comprehension should get high marks. There are too many topics, experimental questions, probing questions, biochemical interdisciplinary questions, and the scope of the test questions is appropriate. Candidates must understand the concepts and knowledge of the text, and they must improve their literacy-oriented test questions. If 26 questions can provide experimental equipment diagrams, students can be more clear Knowing helps to solve the problem, it will be easier to answer.

Lu Zhengliang, a physics teacher at Kaohsiung Middle School, said that this year's physics course lacks syllabus exploration and practice-related test questions, and there are no quality-oriented real-situation questions. The distribution of topics is uneven, and the test questions are relatively unchallenging. Emphasis on textbook content, less traditional calculation questions, mostly reading comprehension and chart interpretation to get the answer. Question 35 involves the understanding and application of the first law of thermodynamics, which is a difficult test question; question 32 is about detecting blood flow. The Doppler effect is similar to the 50th question of last year's academic test; the current affairs question is only slightly related to the 29th question, and lacks the inquiry and practical ability-related test questions emphasized in the 108 syllabus, and also lacks literacy-oriented real-situation and real questions. The topic distribution lacks the unity of electricity and magnetism and quantum phenomenon unit-related test questions. For middle and high school students, this year's physics test questions are not challenging, but they will help build learning confidence.