Tarot cards are traditionally associated with divination.

But it is not known exactly when they began to be used not only for playing, but also for predicting the future.

However, the first recorded hints about the possibility of a correlation between maps and human destinies date back to the 16th century. 

We offer you to learn more about what may be waiting for Libra in 2023 with the help of a horoscope based on Tarot cards from esotericist Olena Kuzmych.

Tarot forecast for love and relationships 

2023 Tarot Card for Libra Knight of Cups

Photo: TSN.ua

This Tarot card speaks of idealism, attractiveness.

This Tarot testifies to positivity in relationships and their development.

This card can be characterized exactly as the same "prince on a white horse".

Also, this Tarot card advises to be graceful, tactful, diplomatic in relationships and love.

Do not focus on disappointments in love.

However, be careful if your partner becomes moody and fussy.

Learn to deal with the tantrums of others and avoid conflicts.

These are the tips of the Tao cards for Libra for 2023.

Tarot forecast for work and career

2023 Tarot Card for Libra "Moderation"

This card suggests that Libras can achieve success in their work and careers in 2023 with the help of balance and patience.

It is peace and tranquility that will help you work better this year.

Look for harmony in your actions.

And the next step in moving up the career ladder should be carelessness, which at the same time should not border on irresponsibility.

What definitely will not help you is imbalance, an excess of emotions, going to extremes, recklessness and haste.

Therefore, seek balance and you will be happy.

Tarot forecast for finances

2023 Tarot Card for Libra "Page of Cups"

Photo: TSN.ua

This card says that idealism and floating in the clouds will not help you earn significant funds in 2023.

Excessive sensitivity and naivety will only hinder your progress.

Now you are nurturing your inner child, so daydreaming is not conducive to a practical view of things.

Your emotional vulnerability and immaturity can play an evil joke on you, and escapism from reality will not help matters.

Take care of a solid foundation for the development of your own business and the promotion of your ideas and their implementation in real life.

Astrology, tarology, numerology, divination, fortune-telling, fortune-telling, psychics are not sciences, and predictions do not always come true 100%.

Information is quite often of an entertaining nature, so it should not be taken seriously, but only as a probability of events that every person can become the creator of if he has the strength of spirit and inspiration to change his life for the better.

Also, read

the tarot forecast for 2023 and find out what the cards are telling us

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