Miaoli County Mayor Zhong Dongjin.

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[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] Miaoli County Mayor Zhong Dongjin pointed out in the county affairs meeting yesterday that "someone deliberately provoked", so the personnel will be transferred. For this, Miaoli County Councilor Zeng Wenxue criticized it sharply, thinking that it was a gangster somewhere. Advise County Magistrate Zhong to always remind himself that he is now the head of Miaoli, and every word and deed represents Miaoli, so he should be more cautious in his words and deeds.

Zeng Wenxue said in a Facebook PO post that Zhong Dongjin said before that he would wait 3 months for the small cabinet to be in place, so there was no transfer of personnel, but yesterday at the county affairs meeting revealed that "someone deliberately provoked", so there will be transfers, The directors of the bureaus are asked to "do their jobs well" and "absolutely not because of election grievances, but because of the unsatisfactory performance of the localities". loyal time.

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Although the county magistrate has the right to decide personnel, this kind of mentality is really arrogant and humiliating. Most bureau chiefs in the county government are professional civil servants, and there are not many government appointments. As the elders of Miaoli, every word and deed represents Miaoli, so we need to be more cautious in our words and deeds, and hope that in the future, the county government team will not become the same as the county magistrate’s Facebook message area, where they can only sing praises but not allow different voices.”