To rebuild Niubu, the contract in the Yuanli market will be renewed when the contract expires, ranging from 600 to 700 yuan per ping.

(Photo by reporter Cai Zhengmin)

[Reporter Cai Zhengmin/Miaoli Report] A fire broke out in the public retail market in Yuanli Township, Miaoli County in the early morning of September 2018. 700 square meters and 84 stalls were burned.

After some buildings were registered as historic buildings and the clearance project was delayed, the reconstruction project was tendered twice by the Yuanli Township Office.

However, the current 4-year contract of the vendor has expired and needs to be renewed first.

The Yuanli Town Office stated that the number of square meters and format of each stall in the public retail market in Yiyuanli Town is different. If the more famous fish ball shop in Yiyuanli Township, the total usage fee and cleaning fee charged in the contract add up to about 600 to 1000 yuan. It ranges from 700 yuan.

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The Yuanli Town Office pointed out that the management fee refers to the personnel expenses and business expenses required for market management (water and electricity fees, communication fees, supplies, cleaning fees and other necessary expenses).

As for the smooth reconstruction of the Yuanli market in the future, will the contract still be maintained?

The Yuanli Town Office emphasized that if the public retail market in Yuanli Town is successfully rebuilt in the four-year contract, there will be provisos in the contract, such as policy needs (such as reconstruction or renovation, etc.), urban and rural renovation, or no market business When the function is completed, all or part of the market use of the township public income will be stopped, and the lease contract will be terminated; in addition, no relevant relocation fees or compensation measures can be requested.

Many people have questioned the subletting of market stalls. The contract also stipulates that the stalls should operate by themselves, and are not allowed to sublease, sublease, or sublease other people to operate; ) space use right, and terminate the lease, and the lessor will take back the stall (shop) space.