Udon Soledad and Bahemut are currently the most heavily fought fronts, but in bitter winter conditions, little progress has been made on either side.


[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] Two towns, Soledar and Bakhmut, in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, are fighting fiercely. The two towns are only a few miles apart. The Russian mercenary organization " The Wagner Group (Wagner Group) and pro-Russian armed forces stormed. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that the ground was littered with dead bodies, and there was no complete building in Soledad.

According to a Reuters report, Soledad and Bakhmut in the Donbas region of Udon are currently the most fiercely fought front lines in the Ukrainian-Russian war. The Russian mercenary organization "Wagner Group" and the pro-Russian armed forces stormed. Hanna Malyar said the enemy continued to attack using heavy artillery, multiple rocket launcher systems and mortars and straddling the bodies of their own soldiers, but the Ukrainian army held on to the town.

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Ukrainian military analyst Oleh Zhdanov (Oleh Zhdanov) pointed out that Soledad and Bakhmut are currently the frontlines where the fighting is fiercest. However, under the cold winter conditions, both sides have made little progress. Die on the battlefield.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Soledad was strewn with dead bodies and there were no complete buildings there. He praised the defenders "because of the resilience of our soldiers in Soledad, which bought more time and more for Ukraine." the power of."

The "Wagner Group" is obsessed with storming Soledad because the town has a huge network of underground caverns due to salt mining, which can accommodate large groups of people as well as chariots and other war machines. These mines are believed to extend more than 100 miles underground, and there are even Contains a cave the size of an auditorium.