Tuvalu Parliament Speaker Samuelu Penitala Teo led a delegation to visit Taiwan in the early morning of the 8th.

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[Reporter Su Yongyao/Taipei Report] Tuvalu Speaker Samuelu Penitala Teo called on the Legislative Yuan this morning, and was received by Legislative President You Xikun. Joint Statement on Matters”.

You Xikun said that this statement can not only deepen the exchanges between the congresses of the two countries, but also promote the cooperation and experience sharing between the two sides in the aforementioned industries.

It is hoped that Taiwan and Tutto will make further efforts in the future and jointly make greater contributions to the peace and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region.

Today includes Speaker Samuelu Penitala Teo and his wife, MP Mackenzie Kiritome and his wife, MP Fatoga Talama and his wife, Assistant Secretary Tepaa Fiti, Kapua Salu ), Councilor Tanei Pola, Councilor Gasote Fapupula, Councilor Gatii Enosa, Secretary Viliunasa Ioapo, Ambassador of Tuvalu to Taiwan Bikenibeu Paeniu, etc. People visit the Legislative Yuan.

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You Xikun not only welcomed the visit of Speaker Dai Io, but also thanked him for promoting and supporting the Youwo resolution many times in the international arena.

You also mentioned that recent linguistic and anthropological studies have found that Taiwan is the origin of the Austronesian language family. For example, the Tuvalu language is similar to some of the vocabulary of many Taiwanese aborigines, such as the number "5". , Paiwan language, Puyuma language, or Tuvalu language are all "lima". For such research results, it proves that Taiwan and Tuvalu not only share democratic values ​​now, but even date back thousands of years ago. There is a deep connection in language, culture and way of life.

You Xikun said that he, who has the genes and ancestry of the South Island, is also very happy. It turns out that "Your Excellency the Speaker and I are also distant relatives."

As a result, he is even more convinced that Taiwan and Tuvalu are like family members, and this rare fate is worth cherishing together.