(From left) Chairman of the DPP Hsinchu City Party Committee, City Councilor Chen Jianming and City Councilors Yang Lingyi and Liu Kangyan held a press conference to call on the Party Central Committee to expel Wang Shijian from the party.

(Photo by reporter Cai Zhangsheng)

[Reporter Cai Zhangsheng/Zhushi Report] In response to the arrest of Hsinchu Mayor Gao Hongan for misrepresenting the city government's payment to the baseball field construction company, Gao Hongan admitted her mistake in a press release last night.

Because Taipei City Councilor Wang Shijian also quoted Gao Hongan's erroneous statement, angrily blasting former Hsinchu Mayor Lin Zhijian as "a fool" and "should be prosecuted and detained", the Hsinchu City Party Headquarters of the Democratic Progressive Party held a press conference today, demanding that the Party Central Committee should expel Wang Shijian from the party. He also called on Vice President Lai Qingde, who is about to become the party chairman, to express his position on the outrageous statements of Wang Shijian, Gao Jiayu and others who "love each other and hate each other".

DPP Hsinchu City Councilor Chen Jianming, City Councilor Liu Kangyan, and Yang Lingyi held a press conference at the Hsinchu City Party Headquarters in the morning, accusing Wang Shijian of using Gao Hongan's wrong numbers to attack his own party comrades, degrading Gao Hongan and demoting Lin Zhijian, Only by punishing Wang Shijian for party discipline is the real in-depth review.

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Yang Lingyi described Wang Shijian as a "popular party flanker" singing with Gao Hong'an. The gunfire was always aimed at the inside, and the grassroots party members were quite rebounded and angry.

Emphasized that since last year's general election, a series of divisions within the party and online fights have caused a serious breakdown in trust, which is the biggest factor in the defeat of the county mayor and the by-election of the Taipei City Council.

Chen Jianming said that in the review meeting held by the Central Party Headquarters after the election last year, he suggested that the Central Party Headquarters must seriously face the absurd behavior of party members attacking their comrades on Facebook or the media in order to gain popularity.

He cited Wang Shijian as an example, pointing out that Wang deliberately quoted Gao Hongan's wrong data, attacked Lin Zhijian in the media, and accused the former city government of being involved in fraud, but there was no evidence.

Chen Jianming emphasized that many supporters who agree with the construction of Hsinchu City in the past eight years are quite angry with Wang Shijian's speech, and feel sad for the hardworking colleagues of the city government.

He thinks it is not too much to expel Wang Shijian from the party.

As the Democratic Progressive Party is about to re-election for the party chairman this Sunday, Yang Lingyi also called on the prospective chairman Lai Qingde to have a clear attitude and statement in the face of certain comrades in the party who are constantly holding back the legs, so as to lead the DPP to a thorough understanding and regain the sense of honor of being a party member , to regain trust and support.