The 3-year-old boy who was on the verge of death after being beaten by his biological mother and his cohabitant finally recovered after 43 days of rescue. He is expected to be discharged this afternoon and return to Hsinchu for continued care.

(Information photo, provided by Changhua County Government)

[Reporter Tang Shiming/Changhua Report] Good news!

The 3-year-old boy who was beaten to death by his biological mother with a coat hanger and his cohabiting boyfriend was rescued by Changhua Christian Hospital with all his strength. In addition to pulling out the oxygen mask to breathe spontaneously and opening his eyes, good news came on the 43rd day. The boy is expected to be discharged this afternoon and transferred back to the Hsinchu institution for continuous care. However, Zhang Shang, the chief physician of the Zhangji Department of Neurosurgery, emphasized that the boy still needs to continue rehabilitation in order to restore his health in the future.

The 3-year-old boy's household registration is in Hsinchu, and he was abused in Changhua County at the end of last month. The news shocked the society.

Changhua County Government and Hsinchu County are highly concerned about this matter. Changhua County Mayor Wang Huimei also visited the hospital in person, hoping that he can tide over the difficulties.

Please read on...

It is understood that after the boy's mother divorced, she met her boyfriend surnamed Chen and lived together. During the cohabitation, the boy was often abused until he moved back to his hometown in Changhua in November last year.

According to the investigation by the police, on November 25 and 26 last year, due to discipline problems, the boy was beaten by his biological mother with a clothes hanger, and the cohabitant kicked the boy’s head with his feet. and cerebral hemorrhage.

On the 27th, the boy was rushed to the hospital for first aid. His whole body was injured and fell into a coma. He was immediately transferred to Zhangji Children's Hospital for emergency treatment. When he was sent to the hospital, his pupils were dilated and he was in a severe coma. Complete", scolded the relatives who had hit the heavy hand.

Fortunately, after first aid and care by the medical staff, the boy finally opened his eyes and took off the oxygen mask after lying in the Zhangji intensive care unit for more than a month. He also felt pain, his vital signs gradually stabilized, and his brain pressure returned to normal.

After further care, his condition continued to improve, and he is expected to be discharged and return to Hsinchu this afternoon.