In the downtown area of ​​Banqiao, New Taipei City, rumors of car smashing were reported in the early hours of this morning. He saw that evil spirits moved hundreds of kilograms of cement flower beds and smashed cars. Banqiao police arrested 6 suspects within 2 hours.

(Photographed by reporter Wu Renjie)

[Reporter Wu Renjie/New Taipei Report] In the early morning of this morning in Banqiao Cultural and Educational District of New Taipei City, there was a report of a car being smashed by evil spirits. The evil spirits even dragged hundreds of kilograms of cement flower pots from the church on the side, lifted them up and threw them towards the rear windshield of the car, as if they were planted in the rear compartment. Passers-by were shocked when they saw this. After chasing people, 6 suspects were arrested in 2 hours and sent to court under the law on the maintenance of damage and violation of social order.

The car smashing incident happened at about 4:00 a.m. this morning. At the intersection of Zhongzheng Road and Gongguan Street in Banqiao District, a number of evil spirits smashed cars and made loud noises, causing residents and passers-by to report the case. The police informed the owner of the car, Zou Nan, and initially learned that the two parties knew each other , because Zou Nan and Wang Suan had a rift, a car accident occurred during the chase. Wang Suan and the other 5 suspects smashed the car violently with a bat and hammer, smashing the front windshield and rear tires.

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After all the villains smashed the red eyes, one suspect made a fuss, and the six suspects moved together to move a hundred-kilogram flower table from the nearby church and smashed the car. The loud noise caused residents and passers-by to call the police.

The police from Banqiao Station arrived at the scene and informed the owner of the car to clarify the cause of the incident and start an investigation. At 6:00 this morning, 6 suspects were arrested one after another, but the 6 suspects argued that they only wanted to teach the owner a lesson. Send it off, but also face a claim of nearly 100,000 yuan.

In the downtown area of ​​Banqiao, New Taipei City, reports of car smashing were reported early this morning. Banqiao police arrested 6 suspects within 2 hours.

(Photographed by reporter Wu Renjie)

In the downtown area of ​​Banqiao, New Taipei City, reports of car smashing were reported early this morning. Banqiao police arrested 6 suspects within 2 hours.

(Photographed by reporter Wu Renjie)