The Zhenwu Club rented a venue to provide "Fist Willing Entertainment" to hold a fighting match. Unexpectedly, during the match, a contestant passed out and was sent to the hospital. Suspected brain damage is still being rescued in the intensive care unit of the hospital.

(Photo by reporter Xu Lijuan)

The person in charge of ticketing and admission for fighting games arrives

[Reporters Hong Chenhong, Xu Lijuan/Kaohsiung Report] "The 14th Kaohsiung Field of Quanyuan Entertainment Fighting Tournament" was held at the "Zhenwu Club" in Zuoying District on the 7th, but a 30-year-old contestant surnamed Lin collapsed and was sent to the hospital with a headache. The whole body was injured and the coma index was three. He is currently being treated in the intensive care unit.

The police inspected the video of the game. Lin was hit on the head or knocked down several times during the game. They will interview the player surnamed Bai who fought with Lin to clarify the cause of the incident and the legality of the competition.

Whether it is legal or not, the Gao City Hall of the Sports Department will clarify

As for whether this fighting match is legal, it is reported that there is no source of evidence at present. The Sports Department responded yesterday that it has contacted the Kaohsiung City Government for local civil organizations to handle ticket-selling commercial events.

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Boxing Entertainment Fighting Tournament has been held since December 14th last year. Tickets are sold for admission. Each person is 800 to 1,000 yuan. During the competition, Lin Nan was knocked down and hit on the head several times. About a minute before the end of the game, Lin Nan was knocked down again. When the referee counted down, he was able to get up. After the game ended, Lin Nan and the referee gave a brief greeting , Expressing dizziness and discomfort to others, he slumped, and Lin Nan was sent to Kaohsiung Rongzong by a private ambulance.

The person in charge of the martial arts competition of Quanyuan Entertainment is a 20-year-old man surnamed Qiu. He returned to Hsinchu overnight after the incident. He was accompanied by a lawyer to the Zuoying police station yesterday to explain and provide the conclusion letter signed by the contestants before the match.

He said that the competition will be held every season. It has been held thirteen times before and will be entrusted to lawyers to handle the follow-up.

The person in charge of the Zhenwu Club, surnamed Chen, told the police that he rented out the venue for the first time to Boxing Entertainment for 10,000 yuan a day, and he was not the host.

The police said that the preliminary investigation did not find any gambling involved in the "underground arena", but the organizer did not have a profit-making business registration certificate, and will clarify the legality of the competition.