At the time of the incident, Zhan Nan found that the refrigerator could not be moved, so he had to hide it in a nearby bush.

(Photographed by reporter Wu Shengru)

[Reporter Wu Shengru/Report from Keelung] A habitual thief surnamed Zhan in Keelung went to the Morning Club in Changshou Mountain with a woman surnamed Liu late at night on July 25 last year to burglarize.

After Zhan Nan obtained a bundle of wires, he handed them to Liu Nv to carry away first, while he himself stole the speakers and refrigerator, but because the stolen goods were too heavy, he had to hide them in the bushes first.

The manager found that the item was missing, and called the police to follow the line to arrest the person.

The Keelung District Court concluded that Ms. Liu was sentenced to 3 months in prison for the crime of theft and fined by Yi Ke.

According to the investigation by the police, Zhan Nan, who is on the wanted list, arrived at the morning meeting and asked Ms. Liu to watch out. He took tools to remove the screws on the back door panel and entered the morning meeting to search for his belongings. It turned out that there was a refrigerator, a set of stereos, and other A locked cabinet.

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Zhan Nan stole another large bundle of wires and handed them over to Liu Nv to take them away first; but because Zhan Nan found that the locomotive could not carry the refrigerator and stereo, he had to hide the stolen goods in the nearby bushes and wait for a while to return. Find a vehicle to move the stolen goods away and sell them.

The manager surnamed Hung at the early morning meeting discovered the theft and immediately called the police. The police chased the man with a car and informed Zhan Nan to come to the case. After following the line, he learned that Liu Nu had taken a bundle of wires first, and also notified her to come to the case to explain.

After the police inquiry, the two were sent to the court on the basis of aggravated theft.

Ms. Liu told the judge that her husband had no choice but to take risks because of the lack of money for her terminally ill husband. She followed Zhan Nan's instructions.

After the trial, the judge believed that Ms. Liu took the risk of committing the crime because her family lacked money, and she committed the crime of aggravated theft. The original sentence was between 6 months and 5 years. Article 59 of the Criminal Law was applied, and his sentence was mitigated according to his discretion. Therefore, he was sentenced to 3 months in prison and a fine of 90,000 yuan from Yike.