The Russians again shelled


with incendiary shells.

This was reported by eyewitnesses on social networks.

Telegram channels also show an already extinguished element of an incendiary projectile in a photo.

They said that Kindiyka, an urban-type village, was shelled like this.

The village is located on the eastern outskirts of Kherson, between the city of Kherson and the village of Antonivka on the right bank of the Dnieper.

So far, there has been no official information about the enemy shelling of Kherson.

We are waiting for information from the authorities.

It was previously reported that on the night of January 8, 2023,

explosions rang out in Kherson


Also, on Christmas, the enemy did not stop terror:

a 50-year-old man died in Kharkiv Oblast after Russian shelling


In addition, the

enemy carried out seven missile strikes on Kramatorsk and two on Kostiantynivka


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  • Ukraine news

  • War news

  • News of Ukraine: video

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