“Karma” is the result of an action.

In fairness, if it is said about matters related to

"Faith...belief" means believing in what

should believe...believe in what is reasonable...believe in what is good

good deeds

Not excited...infatuated by what he sees in front of him

Faith 4:

Karma faith believes in karma, Vipakfath believes in the results of karma, Kammassakata faith

believe in one's own karma

believe in the wisdom and enlightenment of the Tathagata

If speaking in terms of science

based on cause and effect

Of course, nothing will happen by chance, for example, the water evaporates and turns into steam.

Still... there are still many stories that science can't prove and can't find an answer... even though we know how and where a storm occurs, we don't know why it happened there.

Unlike the matter of "Karma", even if you have studied the law of Karma, you will know that

There are no random things or... coincidences of any kind.

back... all for a reason


“Enough” is a rarity among “greedy” people.

“Still” is a rarity among “angry” people.

“Stop” is a rarity among “lost” people.

Only Dharma can help you.

The writings of Somdet Phra Yannasamvara

Somdet Phra Patriarch

mentioned about

"Sufficiency of life" ...the idea that enough

think enough

The one who knows enough will be the one who has peace of mind.

As for those who are insatiable, they are zealous and relentlessly seeking…“Insatiableness exists even in the rich and wealthy.

and moderation is possible even in the humblest of the poor.”

“Sufficiency” is a matter of the heart that does not concern external status.

The insatiable rich are always the poor.

The self-satisfied poor are always rich.

“Raising from poor to rich is not easy.

Some people throughout this lifetime may not be able to do it.

But elevating the mind to be wealthy can be done by everyone.

Even if you are determined to do it for real....

An acquaintance is not a lazy person.

and lazy people are not acquaintances.

You should understand this matter correctly and train yourself not to be a lazy person.

but to be acquainted enough.”

We all "make merit" for the prosperity of life.

Do it with faith according to the strength you have. It's called doing it without trouble yourself.

and can benefit many people

However, when doing it, expecting that the merit will return to make our lives flourish.

better than it is

arising, standing, extinguishing... Of course, if done with passion

expecting merit leads to greed in everything

with the desire to have a passion for anything but

abandon the faith of merit

It's definitely not a merit.

But it's the opposite, moving forward...in a deteriorating way.

The true power of making “merit” with a pure heart is a great charity.

The more we cooperate and work together to make "great merit" to achieve success, the more "great charity".


Those who were born on Sunday... are known as grateful people.

Always grateful and straightforward, trusts people easily, trusts people.

affect money matters

People born on Monday... are ill-tempered, soft-hearted, open-minded, their karma is about love, difficult to find a partner, there are many problems and obstacles.

People born on Tuesday...sincere, courageous, imaginative

Inherent karma tends to be taken advantage of and slandered. Born on Wednesday...good talker, negotiator.

accidentally love

Those who were born on Thursday...good luck

But the karma that sticks with me is getting along with difficult people. People who were born on Friday... have old merit to support them.

But the karma that is innate from birth often cannot find true happiness.

As for those who were born on Saturday ... are straight people, true love, good brains, the karma that has been ingrained since birth is loss.

Doing good results is difficult.

Resolve karma with cause and effect

Always do good deeds

Grasp the origins of the destination, walk a good life without being too ignorant, rushing to "make merit", create "good deeds" to compensate for the karma

"Million Dollar Spell" Reverend Father Ruesi Lingdam, Thasung Temple, Tangnamo, 3 finishes, Sampatichami Nasangsimo, Brahmaja, Mahadeva, Sappeyakkha Parayanti (Spell to remove obstacles).. .Bhramaca Mahadeva Aphilapa Bhawantume (a hundred thousand money incantation)

Mitebhahuhati (Million Dollar Spell)

Buddhama-au Namo Buddhaya Wiratayo Wirakonayang Wirahinsa Wiratasa Wiratasa Wiraitthiyo Buddhassa Manimama Buddhassa Savahom (Buddhist incantations ) Sampathicchami (Incantation to speed up fortune)

The above Million Money Spell, quite a few people believe that it is a spell to bring wealth.

Help with money, work, help with debt problems.

Strengthen mindfulness. However, the "wealth incantation spell" is considered a virtuous strategy that helps strengthen morale for those who practice well and act properly.

When these mantras are chanted regularly

concentrate on prayer

will concentrate

clear mind and consciousness in solving various problems

Diligent to do and trade

Which will receive the right return that should be in the end

Happy Year of the Rabbit 2023. May you be lucky and rich. Don't get hurt. Don't be poor.

Everyone's wishes are fulfilled.

"Faith"...brings miracles?

Believe, don't believe, please don't..."disrespect".
